Contamination of well water

If your water comes from a well, know that pesticides can and do travel down to the water table where they can be drawn into your well system. Groundwater moves vertically and horizontally in response to gravity and hydraulic pressure. Groundwater flow rates can vary between several feet per year to one or two feet per day or more in permeable sand and gravel aquifers. The withdrawal of water through wells would directly influence that movement in the vicinity of the well intake. Because of the slow rate of degradation of substances in groundwater, contamination at one location may show up years later in a different location. The to know if your water is polluted is to have it tested by a professional. Testing can be quite expensive, and if you don't know what to look for, you could spend a substantial amount of money without finding any definitive answer. There are general tests that can be performed, however, to know specifically what is in the water, you must have some idea of what to test for before proceeding. There are more than 85,000 chemicals on the market today and 60,000 pesticides. You can't test for all unless you've got the deep pockets of a Bill Gates.

When a pesticide is tested to see if it is a problem with ground water, many times it is done by the pesticide manufacturers themselves. Then the data is given to EPA when and if they feel like it.


Fraud and Mismanagement are Common Occurrences

  • S.C. Johnson Illegally Distributes Unsafe Pesticides Fined $950,000
  • JT Eaton Fakes Pesticide Test Results Could Cost 5 Years and $500,000
  • DuPont Ordered to Pay Damages Of $78.3 Million in Benlate Case
  • Monsanto Covered-up and Falsified Health Studies
  • Terminix aka Terminex has an extensive lawsuits across the nation



Fujicolor green isn't what God intended for the stuff in the first place. Nor did he intend for it to be manicured to within a micron of its life. If you must have a lawn, please do it in a more sustainable manner.



Pesticides are the result of Adolph Hitler's WWII quest to kill the enemy... slowly. His reason for killing slowly was that if a soldier was made deathly ill for a few days before dying, rather than being immediately killed, he would require help from others, thus taking more than one soldier out of action. These same chemicals have been used by lawn care companies for years.

It's time to give your lawn the fall treatment it needs. The TooGreen ChemicaLawn companies will destroy not only your lawn, but the soil, beneficial organisms, plant diversity, and your family's health.