How to Prepare For a Home Inspection

Preparing a home for an inspection is a very important part of the inspection process. A properly prepared home will ease the stress of the inspection, for all parties, by keeping the inspection running smoothly and may prevent additional fees charged by the home inspection company.

The following is a list of items a seller should address before the inspection.

Here is a list that may be helpful for you in preparing your house for a home buyer’s inspection.  Many of these items can be done at little or no cost and are part of a regular maintenance program for any home.


  • Ensure that all the utilities are turned on before the inspector arrives. This includes: The Electricity, Water,&Gas; if applicable.


  • Be sure all exterior doors are accessible.
  • Be sure all door locks are working properly.
  • Be sure keys are available for all locked doors.
  • Remove soil or mulch from contact with siding.   Six or more inches of clearance is best.
  • Trim trees, roots, and bushes back from the foundation of the home.


  • Be sure all doorways and closets are accessible. The inspector is not required to move furniture, personal items.
  • Ensure that all doors and windows are in proper operating condition, including repairing or replacing any cracked window panes.

Heating and Air Conditioning.

  • Clean or replace heating and cooling filters, clean dirty air returns and plenum.
  • Have the chimney, fireplace or wood stove serviced and provide the buyer with a copy of the cleaning record.


  • Be sure the main electrical panel and any sub-panels are not blocked.  (VERY COMMON)
  • Replace all burned out or missing light bulbs.
  • Replace all broken and missing receptacle and switch cover plates.
  • Ensure GFCI receptacles are functional.


  • Repair any known leaks and all malfunctioning components, i.e. loose faucet handles, inoperable sink stoppers and ventilation fans.
  • Be sure access to the under sink plumbing is not blocked at Kitchens and Bathrooms.
  • Ensure that all plumbing fixtures such as the toilet, tub, shower, and sinks are in proper working condition.
  • Check bath vents to see if they are properly vented and in working condition.
  • Clear out areas under sinks so they can be inspected

Basement, Crawl Spaces and Attics

  • Remove all wood debris from the crawl space. (Very Common)
  • Remove belongings that may be blocking and/or preventing entry to the attic and or crawlspace. The inspector is not required to move furniture, personal items.
  • Check to ensure that the crawl space is dry and install a proper vapor barrier if necessary.
  • Check crawl space and attics for animals.


  • Ensure that all pets are secured and or removed from the premises
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