A speed reading course can make all of the difference for not only giving its graduates a lot more time, but to also increase comprehension, concentration, recall and retention.  If you know of anyone who needs those, please let them know about our course being held betweeen Christmas and New Years to make it easier for people to take. A paradox about speedreading courses is that those who want and need it the most have the least time to take it. 
We are working on getting the word out about a special holiday course on the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday between Christmas and New Year's--Dec. 28, 29&30 from 10:00 - 3:00.  The way Christmas falls this year, makes it a perfect time to for busy people to take the time for themselves.  We scheduled it for students home for college and off from their hectic high school lives and for business professionals to take time the time to save time when nothing much is happening in their offices.  That's why we have scheduled this over just 3 half days--a life time skill between Christmas and New Year's to get more time to do more research and development, make AP courses easier, balance work, school and activities, get higher scores on the ACT, SAT, LSAT, GMAT and MCAT as well as all licensing and professional exams.If you have family from out of town who are teens through adults--we do offer discounts for multiple enrollments.Want to hang out with your best friend?  Have them take it with you. You'll learn a lot and have fun, too.Please call at 614-486-2473 and let those who are suffering from too much to do and too little time about the course.  If you want to give this as a gift--we can make a certificate for you.  You can also receive $25 off the tuition with our Merchant Circle coupon. Click here for a secure registration form