Picture this: I am ushered to a main hallway by the lady of the house.  She is frustrated to the point of talking through her clenched teeth. 
"I told him 'Just get an electrician.  You're going to burn the house down!'  Would he listen to me?"I am guessing he didn't based on the colorful arrangement of wires escaping from the switch box, with a few scattered burn marks on the wall near the wires.
"Well, are we going to die?""No ma'am""Too bad.  It'd serve him right...".  She begins to wander down the hallway, muttering about the plumbing.  Suddenly she turns and demands "You can fix it, right?""Yes, ma'am".  Many times have I witnessed this scene played out.  A plethora of multi-colored wires crazily protruding from an electrical box, arc marks on the wall and husbands with band-aids on their fingers.  Usually a wife near by, muttering and shaking her head.Here's the secret: If someone utters the phrase "It can't be that hard.  I'm an engineer/architect/lawyer/mechanic/accountant, I can figure it out",  distract them with a football game and hide their tools.Electrons do not respect a degree.  Or good intentions.  They flow where and when they can at the speed of light.  Call ABR Electric for anything electrical in your home to be fixed right, for you to have a great experience and to have some fun (without the burns).
We are located in the great City of Allen, and can be reached at 214-690-1941 or at www.abrelectrician.comHave a great day!