To download the books, browse the internet, play games, and watch movies, your Kindle Fire needs an Internet connection to access the Internet. Kindle fire uses the WIFi connection to access the internet. It usually detects the wireless network automatically and also remember the previously accessed one’s. But, a user can also go for the Kindle Assistance, or open the Kindle settings and allow access to connect to the internet. 

Here are the step-by-step instructions that the user needs to follow to connect to the internet:

  • On your Kindle Fire screen, swipe down to display the ‘Quick Settings’ feature. Click on the ‘Wireless’ option. In case ‘Airplane’ settings is turned on, click on the toggle bar to turn off the settings. 
  • Click on the ‘WiFi’ option to connect to the network. Most of the Public wireless networks like networks available at stores, coffee shops, libraries, does not require any password. To connect to the public wireless network, click on the network name you want to connect. After a few moments, the Kindle Fire will connect to that network automatically. 
  • To connect your home wireless network, click on the ‘WiFi’ option. If your wireless network is password-protected, the wireless icon displays the small lock icon indicating that it is accessible only using the network password. Enter the network password ad click on the ‘Connect’ button. Your Kindle fire device will get connected automatically in just a few moments. 

With the help of these simple instructions, you can connect the Kindle Fire Device to the internet without any hassle. If you still have a doubt or need Kindle Help to know more about the wifi connectivity, you can contact the experts anytime and discuss the issues. They will provide you all the necessary details regarding Kindle wireless connectivity.