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Concord Financial Advisors


By steveeeeee

These people are total rip off artists. Don't believe a word they say. They got me for over 2 G. Beware Of Lori Easter she sounds professional and knows her stuff but she is a scanky scammer too! more

Concord Financial Advisors


By steveeeeee

These people are total rip off artists. Don't believe a word they say. They got me for over 2 G. Beware Of Lori Easter she sounds professional and knows her stuff but she is a scanky scammer too! more

Concord Financial Advisors


By sickofscum

These people are scum of the scum trying to steal peoples credit card numbers, social security numbers, account numbers, etc...don't fall for their scheme. Search the internet for Rachel Card's all over the web. more

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Our service includes your private assessment, contacting creditors on your behalf, sending documentation back and forth, and more. We have been trained on recent laws, statutes, and credit reporting practices. We also know what items on your report affect your score the most. At First Choice Loan & Credit solutions, our standard package our initial fee is a one time charge of $89.95 , plus a monthly charge $59 per month no contracts. One-time charge of $1 through our companies recommended site to obtain your credit reports and possible monitoring completely up to client. When you retain our service, you'll receive: A personal online dashboard, allowing you to view your account and credit repair progress 24 hours a day. more

By MYFICOs UP Credit Repair Services July 18, 2018

10 Credit Myths

As they say, ‘Knowledge is power.’ Many times people either act on false information or fail to act because they didn’t know what could be done to their benefit. This is the case in many areas of life, but on the top of that list is money. And in the money category, you will find lots of misinformation about Credit. There is so much to talk about on the topic of credit myths that an entire book could be dedicated to it. Myth #1: I’m a complete financial loser for getting myself into this mess.Fact: It may be true that you’re responsible for getting into debt, but that doesn’t make you a loser. In fact, it may not be your fault at all. As long as you start working on becoming more knowledgeable when it comes to finances, you will ultimately find success in controlling your debt. Myth #2: Credit is what got me into this mess.Fact: Spending is what got you into this mess (debt). Credit was the means to spend. If your problem is spending, then you very well may have spent all your cash. However, credit cards may make it easier to spend. Myth #3: There’s nothing I can do about it now. My credit is destroyed forever!Fact: As long as you work, starting today, to rebuild your credit, you’ll eventually get it under control. Rebuilding your credit means: (1) Paying on time; (2) Looking for better credit options; and (3) Learning more about money and credit. Myth #4: If I cosign a loan for my friend, it has no affect on my credit.Fact: When you cosign a loan, it’s like you took the loan on your own! It may be true that your friend is the first one responsible for the loan, however, if they Default, it’s completely your problem. Myth #5: It’s fine to give out my Credit Card number for identification as long as I don’t authorize a charge.Fact: NEVER give out your information as a form of identification. When it comes to giving out any Personal Information, be sure you know exactly with whom you’re speaking. This is especially true with someone on the phone. Myth #6: If I pay off an old debt, it will be removed from my credit report.Fact: Most likely, no. In fact, when you pay past-due debts, it restarts the time period that it can be reported in your Credit History! Myth #7: When I get divorced, my “X” will owe half the debts.Fact: If your name is on the account, then you owe the money! If you have a joint account and your ex-spouse refuses to pay, even if you’ve agreed they would, then you’re next on the Collection list. Myth #8: The government owns the credit bureaus.Fact: Credit reporting agencies are not owned by the government. Although, there are many laws that dictate how they must operate. Myth #9: I cannot change the information on my credit report. It’s set in stone.Fact: You can change the information! The Fair Credit Reporting Act outlines that information that’s not 100% accurate or cannot be verified with 30 days, must be removed. Myth #10: If I get in debt too deep, I can just file for Bankruptcy protection.Fact: The bankruptcy laws are changing to make it more difficult to eliminate all your debt in a bankruptcy, so you may end up paying much of it back anyway. It will also be on your credit report for 10 years! Hey, if you have NO OTHER OPTIONS, then you should certainly investigate bankruptcy. However, it’s much better to Settle the debts if you can. About The Author Michael Anderson writes for where you can find out more about good credit reports and other topics. more

By Praxis Credit Consulting October 11, 2011

why is that women may not be able to get a credit card with NEW law?

Based on the Credit Card act it may make where women wouldnt be able to get a credit card. As usual the government is stepping in to proctect us (the general public), but in reality leaving out an entire group of consumers. click to read more. enjoy the read more

By Praxis Credit Consulting May 11, 2011

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