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Great Pastor and friend get to know him he is worth your time. PSS I miss you man!!!!!!!Read Moreā€¦

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Heritage Christian Academy


By someoneelse

HCA has a staff of great teachers and are truly genuine people. They are highly educated and experienced teachers who not only understand what tools our children need for the future, but have a unique and effective way of developing those tools. My child felt welcomed and loved from the first moment she walked in more

Oasis Family Church


By Jen

This is most certainly my HOME church! I love this church, and the family oriented people who make this place so great. WONDERFUL worship, plays, skits, teachings, etc. Pastor John & Fran are so awesome, and so anointed! You feel like every message is somehow pertaining to your life! I have never looked forward to Sundays more! Oasis Family Church is a wonderful Faith church that will just build you up up up up!!!! I have made so many wonderful friends @ this church! Everyone is really there for you, and show you that they care for you! The people of this church go ABOVE and BEYOND for you! Thank you Pastor John & Fran for always being amazing!!! more

Faith Foundations Church


By Solar Shield Auto Glass & Tint

Great Pastor and friend get to know him he is worth your time. PSS I miss you man!!!!!!! more

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Success: Entitlement and Today's Generation

Success: Entitlement and Today's Generation What is it about not only the up and coming generation but about the generation now entering the workforce that leads them to believe they are entitled to everything. What makes them believe they are entitled to success? I am one of this generation and I have experienced the emotions and thoughts that come with it first hand. I've expected things in my life to be a certain way... for me to just move and have everything fall into place. For me to speak and doors to open. In various areas of my life this is more or less true yet I realize the tragic flaw in the fundamental philosophy of this new Entitled Generation. They, we, I am not entitled to success... we are entitled to the opportunity to succeed. This is vastly different and to add emphasis let me repeat that - We are not entitle to success. We are entitled to the opportunity to succeed. In today's workforce, and the schools of our nation, young men and women feel they are entitled to that which they want... whatever it is. Recently I was talking with a Producer for the CBS television show 48 Hours and he mentioned the difficulties they have at the studio with this rising generation. He stated that after only a few months the employees, even if they are only answering phones, want to be promoted and produce shows. This producer repeated many of the things he had heard them say, "Anybody could do it," or "I could do it no problem," and "It's not that hard!" He responded to such comments... "that may be but you haven't put in the time." He had been working there for over 15 years now and these young men and women felt 'entitled' to his position, one that he earned with his time, energy, and according to his productive talents. Work ethic in this Entitled Generation is many times non-existent and while there are many who have learned to work there are many, many more who only work when it leads to something they want. They have misaligned values and lack empathy, many times, for the needs of others and the effects of their decisions on others. Many times others suffer so that they may have what they are entitled to receive. I've witnessed first hand, both in my life and in the lives of others, the effects of this self-centered and self-indulgent behavior. One important idea, which can help us to cope with this attitude and new philosophy as a part of the Entitled Generation is the following - Opportunities do not disappear - they simply pass us by. Taking that idea to heart along with the maxim that we are not entitled to success but to the opportunity to succeed leads us into a whole new world. Success will result only from hard work and cannot be handed to us... to this generation. If success is acquired in such a manner it can only result in the utter destruction of its possessor. Time has shown that those who create wealth do so because of who they become in the process of its acquisition. Those who inherit wealth, if they are not taught to work and to become the same type of person, will squander it on self-indulgent behaviors and slowly hew down and lay waste to the tree of wealth that has been planted before them. Wealth is not created from someone deserving something but from something else. When I say this I beg you to read it twice, even three times... for it is a subtle difference. We do not become successful by what we do... but by who we are. This is not to say that we are entitled to success. We do not deserve success in and of ourselves. We deserve success only in proportion to the service we can render our fellow men. We acquire success in direct proportion to the philosophies and ideologies we hold in our minds and hearts - and from these philosophies and ideologies stem every action we take on a daily basis. Thus though all things come through our actions they do not come from our actions. They originate on the deeper level of who we are. Let me illistrate by using the example of someone apologizing for something done to you that really hurt you, and really hurt you deeply on an emotional level. As they apologize you know and can feel that they don't mean it. What happens? Do you forgive them? Can you tell whether or not they meant it? Ok, well what does that have to do with anything? It emphasizes a very important point. It is not the action that is important - it is who you are being when you are doing the action. This goes back to the age old saying, para-phrased so succinctly - Be. Do. Have. The feeling of entitlement has been a constantly present element of my life in past years, though at times very recessed into the background. I've experienced both the positive and negative aspects of this ideology and now stand up and see clearly from a very different perspective. Who we are (our ideologies and philosophies) determines what we do (our actions) and what we do will then determine what we have and the life we experience... but again it is not what we do that is important, but who we are in the process of doing it. Entitlement is an ideology that has pervaded our nation like a virus, and like most viruses it was not noticed in its initial stages. Now the tide has rushed forward and here we stand, watching in shocked awe at what is taking place amongst the youth of our nation and in the world today. Where will the world be in 20 or 30 years... as this generation takes power and begins to lead the nation? Will we remain a world power... those of us who only consume and never produce - for 'we are entitled to it' is their cry, 'its ours and we deserve it.' In response to the question of why there is no answer, only more demands. Will such a nation remain a power or will it succeed to another nation? Perhaps there are yet enough of those who work and live and produce that in our lifetime we shall not see this occur but the future lies in our hands. We must teach our children who to be in the world today. So much is focused on what to do and what we must know... yet who are we to be? The world says to be whatever you please, it is your choice... and yet our nation was founded by men of principle, of value, of virtues tried and tested over past millenia. They founded a country based on such values and today it seems that there are few who teach them or even possess them in such quantity as our founding fathers. The tone of this has at times sounded, to my ears, quite negative yet that is not my intent. I am by nature a very positive person and look forward to the day when I teach my children who to be and let what they do be the result of who they are. I shall focus on who they are, what values and virtues they espouse, and let the chips fall where they may. Possessed of virtue, values, and honor they can go anywhere in life and no matter the course they choose they will remain sure and solid amongst the many vicissitudes of life. Flexibility of life comes from stability of character. But remember well - flexibility of character does not lead to stability of life. A foundation must be established before walls can be erected and the walls must be erected before the roof can cover and protect. Only at this point can furnishings and all else be added without worry as to the wind or rain. Build the foundation of your character first and aid those in your sphere of influence to build their foundations, that as time continues and they erect the structures of their lives they may bless your name and thank you for your contribution. Remember also to thank all of those who have helped you along your way. If you sit, reading this right now, thinking that you have no foundation left... that the storms of life have blown it all away and ruined all the trappings of success you had set aside... remember that the sun will always rise when the night is done... but the sun will always rise. Seek help and shelter amidst those of your friends who have built the foundations of their character strong, enlist their help and once the day begins to dawn commence the rebuilding of the structure of your life. Remember to start with the foundation and work your way up. The Entitled Generation may feel entitled to not only the foundation, but the walls, the roof, and a fully furnished life... but this is not the way of life. The foundation must be built first and constructed well. Thus if you would build a large and spacious home you must spend much more time on your foundation that if you would simply build a small cabin in the woods. What kind of life would you live? What kind of person must you be to accomplish the ideals you hold in your mind and the vision you hold in your heart? Where are you now? Begin the journey today and keep in mind that the grander the vision the longer the journey! Continue in faith and keep a smile even amidst the night that your teeth may shine for all to see... that even amidst the darkest night all may remember your smile and be forever guided by the hope it holds. more

By Inspirational Leadership Development, LLC October 22, 2008

Who will test our young ones?

By: Daniel Adam Freeman   The Indians lived their lives according to their traditions and the traditions of their fathers. They learned and grew, always striving towards something... to survive... to advance... towards something. This gave them something for which to constantly strive.   In the Indian tradition a young man was not a man until he had proven himself in battle, taken scalps, and counted coop. Preparing for battle and simply surviving at the same time created men of strength and stability. In the process of training for war they learned much and if the lessons were ignored they did not survive. They eventually went off to be tested, to fight strong warriors and to prove themselves... to see if they were prepared or not. After having been tested and having survived they were men. This was their way of life.   What of today? What of us? Where does this testing take place in our lives? What is it towards which we strive that causes us to grow and learn and become? Is it school that tests us? to get a job? Today there are many choices... many more than our ancestors were presented with... we are not constantly living in fear of our lives and can choose where we go and what we do with greater ease than ever before in history. Today it seems that growth is not 'necessary' to our survival... to our advancement and our growth of course... but not to simply survive. We do many things of necessity and it is such things which cause us to grow the most...   To read the rest of this articleclick hereor go to more

By Inspirational Leadership Development, LLC September 16, 2008

Philosophies and Ideas in Growth

Sunday, August 31, 2008 Philosophies and Ideas in Growth By: Daniel Adam Freeman   Looking back through time people took great risks for land, for cattle, and for many other things which led one to become prosperous... today the economy has changed, in fact, if you look back in history it changed awhile ago but people still have yet to realize the extent to which it has changed. Because of the world in which we live transportation is easy and the trappings of success can be had at every corner. What is needed today in this economy of the mind are ideas... and the man who faces risk to find ideas shall indeed find success. Ideas create and they form... they grow and evolve... when their time has come they consume all opposition. Remember this, nothing can stop an idea whose time has come...This thought came to me last night as I lay in bed... what I seek to do in everything I have done for work or otherwise is to find ideas. I seek it in various jobs and the career paths I engage in, I seek it in the experiences I pursue and live, I seek it in books I read, and I seek it within the experiences of others. All I do, I do for the ideas contained within the process of its experience. For according to the effect I wish to have on the world, it will take some big ideas. Big men hold big ideas, the biggest men the biggest and most open ideas... big ideas encompass others and are not as the close minded ideas of the smaller groups and regimes seeking change through violence and force. Ideas create and ideas destroy. If you spend your life in the search of great ideas those thoughts themselves will transform you into something great, something others wish to become.   Click hereto read the rest of this article or go here: more

By Inspirational Leadership Development, LLC August 31, 2008

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