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The Effect of the Internet on Bookstores

The Internet has had both positive and negative effects on bookstores all across the world. It would be safe to say that the world of reading is an ever-evolving form of education and relaxation. Because the Internet now provides many services for purchasing, reading and enjoying books, it is important to evaluate the impact made on bookstores.

Positive Effects

  • The Internet encourages more people to read because more people have access to the Internet than a bookstore.

  • Bookstores can tell readers out about specials and sales without spending money on advertisements.

  • Readers have access to millions of books online that a bookstore cannot possibly have on their shelves.

  • Bookstores can provide service in the store as well as online. Stores may actually need less staff because customers can use online services to search, find and order books.

  • People are able to access books from the comfort of their own home.

Negative Effects

  • Because it is more convenient, readers are more likely to order a book online rather than go to a bookstore.

  • Customers can compare prices and purchase from other bookstores that may offer reduced prices.

  • Readers are less likely to purchase other items or browse the store for new books on the shelf if they only buy books online.

  • Book prices may need to be reduced to encourage shoppers to come to the store rather than buy online.

  • Readers are able to get pirated or illegal copies of books from the Internet. This activity is detrimental to the success of writers, publishers and bookstores.