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Promotional Tips for Entertainers

Promotional tips for entertainers include appealing to the types of audiences that are most likely to appreciate the particular performance or genre of entertainment. Building a website, connecting with others through social networking sites and sending out regular emails are effective promotional strategies.

  • The most important promotional tip for an entertainer is to focus on the target audience most likely to enjoy and respond positively to the particular art form. A rapper who spends most of the time in a country music town will not experience much success if in a city that appreciates rap music. The primary objective for an entertainer should be to position situations which will experience the greatest potential for popularity.


  • Marketing may not be the strong suit of many performers. For this reason, hiring a professional entertainment marketer may be the best strategy for some entertainers. This way, the performer can focus on strengthening the craft and the marketer can draw in the audience. Once the audience is in the room, it's up to the performance to keep people coming back.


  • Entertainers who have the time and interest to promote themselves can do so by building relationships with audiences. This means responding to fan letters and messages on social networking sites. When audiences feel valued, they are more likely to stay loyal and continue attending performances and buying CDs and DVDs. 


  • Websites, blogs and regular posts on social networking sites are also effective ways for entertainers to connect with their audiences. Posting updates on the latest song or venue will keep audiences feeling connected. Uploading samples of music and clips of videos are also effective ways to generate interest in projects and upcoming performances.