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Inner Ear Infection Treatment

The labyrinth, or inner ear, consists of liquid-filled chambers. When bacteria or germs enter these chambers, an infection called labyrinthitis occurs. This infection is usually an extension of a middle ear infection; however, other things may cause this infection as well. Treatment involves understanding the causes and symptoms.


  • Vertigo: Vertigo is a big symptom of inner ear infections. It is characterized by the feeling of spinning. Patients feel as though things around them are in constant motion. Vertigo is often accompanied by vomiting or nausea.

  • Loss of hearing: The cause of hearing loss occurs when the infection blocks sound from entering the ear canal. Although hearing loss is temporary, it affects how aware a person is of his or her surroundings. This places the person in danger from car accidents and other hazards. 

  • Trouble balancing: Standing up or walking is affected by labyrinthitis. People often have trouble balancing while doing these everyday things. 


Treating inner ear infections involves using a number of methods. The methods used depend on the type of infection and how advanced the infection has become. For problems caused by meningitis, herpes zoster and other serious bacteria and viruses, the treatment may call for more in-depth methods.

  • Anti-emetic medications that calm or prevent nausea and vomiting.

  • Antiviral medications for infections caused by upper respiratory infections and other viruses. Inner ear infections may occur with upper respiratory infections.

  • Corticosteroids for hearing loss and inflammation. Steroids help relieve the symptoms of inflammation and stress placed on the inner ear.

  • Invasive surgeries and procedures that drain fluid relieve pressure and treat inflammation. Doctors sometimes place small tubes into the ear in order to drain infectious material and liquid. Other techniques help the patients with prolonged labyrinth problems.