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How to Wax Snow Skis

If you like to ski, you need to know how to properly care for them when you are finished. Waxing your snow skis is an important part of maintaining them. It can take some time, but snow skis that are not waxed properly will to perform well. You can learn how to wax snow skis in a few short steps.



  • Ski wax

  • Ski wax brush

  • Base cleaner

  • Iron

  • Soft towel

  • Ice scraper

  1. Wipe off the skis using a soft towel to remove any moisture from the snow, and then let them sit for approximately 30 minutes until they are at room temperature.

  2. Clean the skis with the base cleaner until they are completely clean. When you are finished, allow them to air dry completely.

  3. Use an iron to apply the wax. You can purchase an iron at any ski shop, and they are not very expensive. Turn the iron on and allow it to heat until the wax starts to melt. Do not let the iron get too hot, or it could damage your skis. You only need it at the heat level where the wax starts to melt. Put the pointed end of the iron on the base of the ski and allow the wax to drip on it so that it forms a line down the ski. Use the iron to iron the wax across your ski in a thin layer. Repeat this process with the other ski. Let the wax cool down completely.

  4. Use an ice scraper to remove any excessive wax on your skis. Use a ski wax brush to remove any other excessive wax on the skis.