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How to Set up a Charity Hand Car Wash

Car washes are an excellent way to raise money. Charity car washes are wonderful ideas that will get the entire community involved in a worthy project. For success, plan your car wash like an assembly line. Rotate people when necessary. Have someone in charge. Plan your event down to the last detail. Wash cars diligently, have fun, and let people feel good about helping your charity. Preparing well will pay off and help your cause.

  1. Start planning for your charity hand car wash well in advance of the event. You will need time to organize and plan strategically for the best results.

  2. Gather volunteers for your car wash. If this is a group event, divide up the chores by assignment or sign-up sheets.

  3. Prepare to wash as many cars as fast as you can. The better organized your car washing station is set up, the more cars you will be able to wash in minimal time.

  4. Research how other groups have run their car washes. See what worked well for them and make note of any problems.

  5. Get the word out about your charity car wash to everyone you can. Businesses will sometimes sponsor these events.

  6. Print up fliers, brochures or notes about your intended event. Make sure to include why you are sponsoring this charity. Clearly give the details, times and location of the event.

  7. Ask your local newspaper if they would be willing to do an article about your project.

  8. Consider working this as a sponsored event. The potential customers could be given a token or other tangible item to exchange for their car wash. You could do this door-to-door, or by setting up a table or booth somewhere where plenty of people will walk by.

  9. Put someone in charge and work your car wash like an assembly line. Allow room for cars to line up. Use quality materials, have fun and keep your donation can highly visible. Your hard work and good humor will be contagious.