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How to Pass an Online Traffic School Quiz

Traffic school is required in order to get your license.  If you already have your license and you got a ticket or were involved in an accident, you may be required to take a traffic school course.  The online courses are a great way to study the information at your own pace.  The quizzes indicate your understanding of the material discussed in the course.

  1. Read the required material.  Many times the online traffic school courses are similar to a PowerPoint presentation.  There may be pictures to view, paragraphs to read and scenarios to determine.  This reading is not just busy work; it is actually designed to help you understand the rules of the road.

  2. Take your time.  Most courses allow you plenty of time to complete the reading and quizzes at your own pace.  There are no golden stars for completing the course early.  In fact, if you rush through it too quickly, you may not pass.

  3. Search for answers if you do not understand a particular section of the information.  You can always contact the online traffic school instructors or use an online search engine to get more information about the specific concern.  Call a friend or ask a neighbor for help if you do not understand something.  This information could be on the quiz and if you don’t understand it, you may miss the questions pertaining to this information.

  4. Clear the room of any distractions before you take the actual quiz.  Most online quizzes give you enough time to finish the quiz, but it you are distracted by children, television or parents, you may not fully complete the quiz and lose points from unanswered questions.

  5. Read the question carefully.  Some questions are written to see if you really read the required material.  If you did, the answer should be recognizable.

  6. Eliminate multiple choice answers that you know are not correct.  This is the easiest way to find the correct answer.  Make sure you read the entire statement.  Some answers may have the first part of the answer correct, but the last part incorrect.  These answers are there to determine if you are reading the questions and paying attention.

  7. Don’t stress out.  The most important part of taking an online quiz is to relax and do your very best.  If you have read the material, answered the questions and understood the concepts, you will do just fine.