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How to Draw Ladies Jeans

Women's jeans are constantly undergoing changes ranging from fit to cut and everything else in between, which is why they remain so popular. In the fashion industry its essential that any designer have the skills to draw ladies jeans as part of their portfolio if they plan to be successful.

What You'll Need:

  • Black pen

  • Pencil

  • Paper

  • Kneaded eraser

  1. Make a pelvis with a pentagon shape. To serve as the back of the jeans, make the bottom of the pentagon have two half circles. In the front, make the bottom of the pentagon come to a sharp point. You can draw the guidelines for the legs as lines and add circles for the knees and ovals for the feet.

  2. Draw cylinders to serve as the upper and lower legs and draw the upper leg cylinder wider at the top then it is at the bottom. Repeat this same process for the lower legs.

  3. Make a curved line across the top of the back part of the jean. Make another curved line just underneath this one. Make a shape in the form of a reversed "J" and add a short vertical line on the right side of the back part of the jean. Make a pentagon shape on the left side check and one on the right to serve as pockets.

  4. Make a vertical line going down the middle of the front of the jean to serve as a zipper and small circles for buttons. For the front pockets, make a short curved line on each side and a horizontal line across the entire top of the jean.

  5. Make a paralleled line across the front pockets and add an "L" shape on the left hand side of the zipper flap. 

  6. Ink in the drawing. Once the ink has dried, erase all of the pencil lines.