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Hope Consulting


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I would recommend this company. They really helped me out in a pinch with my closing deadline. Good work, Good people. more

Hope Consulting


By MaxSmith

The work was completed ahead of schedule and exceeded expectations. I will use them again!!! more

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Can I develop a Subdivision on my Property?

Can I develop a Subdivision on my Property? Subdivisions are subject to local municipal regulations that need to be complied with by contractors and property owners in order to implement their project. In most towns in Arkansas, a subdivision must be proposed to the municipality with plans and data concerning existing conditions within the site and in its vicinity. This is something Hope Consulting can help you with by doing aFeasibility Study. \t Important Factors to Consider \t\t\t Integration of Existing Land \t\t\t\tWhen planning to create a subdivision, we always take into consideration the integration of the natural features of the area, such as limiting construction on steep slopes and other areas that are unsuitable for development. \t\t\t Roads and Street Planning \t\t\t\tRoads and streets must be designed in accordance with traffic regulations and take into consideration the impact of the transportation system to the community. Today many communities have a master street plan that you must work within. \t\t\t \t\t\t Waste Water Treatment Facility \t\t\t\tA local ordinance may require a certain specification for the waste water treatment system to be constructed. ie. Public sewers or a Private subsurface waste water treatment system (septic system). \t\t\t\t\t \t\t\t Lighting \t\t\t\tStreet lights and other forms of lighting should be present to provide the proper amount of illumination to the people in the subdivision. \t\t\t Water System \t\t\t\tAn adequate supply of water for fire protection and consumption should be made available in the subdivision. If the supply is not available for adequate pressure then the subdivision will not be approved unless the pressure is increased. \t\t\t Configuration of Lots \t\t\t\tRegulate the size and position of lots to comply with local ordinance rules and regulations. These regulations include lot square footage, building setbacks, easements, width of a lot at the building line, etc. \t\t\t \t\t\t Open Spaces and Parks \t\t\t\tAlways remember that the local government may implement a specific rule in terms of parks and open spaces. An ordinance may require a minimum amount of open space and parks needed per acre in the subdivision for new developments. \t\t\t Erosion Control and Storm Water Management \t\t\t\tThe local government may require a method of preserving floodplains and wetlands to be implemented, as well as a construction of an appropriate storm water management system. They may also apply a standard for minimizing soil erosion during construction. \t\t\t\t \t\t\t\t Subdivision planning in Arkansas is an important element in building subdivisions. Following local government standards in developing it, will not only enhance its marketability but it can also protect you from any penalties and fines. If you have any questions please contactHope Consultingand we would be happy to meet with you about your property. \t\t\t Previous Blogs June 2013 : Can I get a cheap land survey? May 2013 : How Should I Handle a Property Line Dispute? April 2013 : What is a Civil Engineering? March 2013 : What is a Utility Easement? February 2013 :Adverse Possession Law: Everything You Need to Know January 2013 :Stop! Get a Land Survey before you close on that new house! December 2012 :Everybody wants one..but can you build a pool on your property? more

By Hope Consulting October 02, 2013

Can I get a cheap land survey?

This must be one of the most popular questions about land surveying. A lot of people need their property surveyed for one reason or another, but not a lot of us really believe that it's worth spending a lot of money on. First, I'd like to point out that a land survey is actually an investment. And when I say "investment", I mean it's one of those things that you need to spend good money on so that you don't spend even more money in the future. How is a land survey an investment? Let's say you're about to buy a house and lot. A friend told you that you better have it surveyed, but you didn't because 1.) You want to save money 2.) You thought it's a waste of money and it's not necessary 3.) You could get away with it. Fast forward a couple of years later, heavy rain poured down and your property was flooded. You had to move out, find a new home or apartment to stay in and replace all your things because they got ruined by the water. Surveys provide more information than you think. If only you had it surveyed before buying, you would have known that your property was prone to flooding and buy someplace else. Professional Surveyors are required to list on the survey if a piece of property is or is not within a flood hazard area. It is also listed on the survey the FEMA Map ID where this information was obtained. This is very important information. Choosing the right Surveyor The best thing that you can do when buying a house or property is hire a licensed and credible land surveyor. Why? Because a licensed professional land surveyor is the only one who can do a land survey by law. You don't want an unlicensed individual doing a survey for you. They don't stand behind their work. They aren't recognized by the state or the legal profession. Another tip is to let the surveyor know what you want ahead of time. This will let them give you a more precise quote so you know what to expect. Through this, you can budget your money or find the funds needed to have the survey done. Finally, you should be comfortable with talking to your land surveyor and they should be comfortable talking to you. You will more than likely have questions along the way, so, if they don't have time for you after the survey is done, you will be on your own. Never choose your surveyor based on the cheapest price. You wouldn't consider choosing your doctor this way, would you? Well your surveyor is helping you with your single biggest investment you will probably ever have, your home and land. So, in summary, you can get a cheap survey, but, more than likely, you will get cheap results. Choose a land surveyor wisely. June 2013 Blog Post more

By Hope Consulting June 04, 2013

What is Civil Engineering?

What is Civil Engineering? Civil engineering is an arm of engineering that focuses on the maintenance, construction, and design of different types of public works such as transportation systems, government buildings, water systems, and public facilities like train stations and airports. Civil engineers are mostly employees of municipalities, federal governments, or private firms that have been contracted to design structures and construct public works. The basic requirement for this profession is a 4-year degree in civil engineering. Additional relevant education and certifications can be acquired to increase one's qualifications in their career. Below are some of the things that civil engineers do: Construction and Design Civil engineering companies are tasked with developing plans and drawings for structures. They have to design and construct buildings that are safe and that meet the local standard codes. Efficiency is key in the construction of any structure to ensure that it lasts through many years of use. There are different types of construction that civil engineers do: Transportation Systems Examples of transportation structures include bridges, roads, freeway interchanges, roads, ports and other similar structures. Civil engineers are required to build transportation structures that allow for high user rate, smooth traffic flow, and future expansions. Freshwater and Wastewater Systems Here, civil engineers handle the construction of residential neighborhoods, fresh water delivery systems, stormwater systems, sewage systems, flood protection systems, levees, and dams, among others. They ensure that freshwater systems are protected and wastewater systems are safe, and know which regulations must be met. A good civil engineering company is also concerned with sustainable development. Other Construction Jobs Civil engineers can also be contracted to build big office buildings, power plants, or perform land surveys. Jobs for civil engineers are directly affected by the construction industry. This means that when there are many construction projects in the market, civil engineers tend to be in high demand, and vice versa. Key Takeaway: Civil engineering is a part of engineering that deals with the construction, maintenance, and design of structures for public use. Civil engineers construct transportation systems such as roads and bridges. These structures have to be safe and allow for efficient flow of traffic and future expansion. Civil engineers can also build water systems such as dams and sewage plants. Civil engineers can be contracted to build huge office buildings and power plants. more

By Hope Consulting April 03, 2013

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