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ADzZOO Online Campaign Director

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32.7664 -96.5987

About ADzZOO Online Campaign Director

The Internet Changed Everything! Connection! If you had to describe in one word how the Internet changed everything, it would be connection. Businesses and personal relationships have changed due to the Internet’s ability to instantly connect people globally through e-mail, websites and social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace. The immeasurable connection the Internet created has changed the way the world communicates, gathers and sends information, and markets its products and services.

However, this global connection has created a problem for the local business in their local markets. Why?

1. Traditional print advertising is becoming less effective.
2. Most consumers have traded in their Yellow Pages for a more comprehensive online search.
3. Newspaper readership is down with many papers declaring bankruptcy.
4. DVR devices, such as TiVo, allow people to skip commercials.
5. Search results bring information overload and local businesses get lost.
6. Search results are dominated by large companies.

Did you know?
• 97% of people with online access will research products and services
online before they purchase.
• 35% of all searches are done with an intent to buy.
• 55% of all local searches are done with an intent to buy.
• Of all local searches, 8 out of 10 call or visit a store and 60% of those result in a purchase.

Why AdzZoo?
Traditional advertising, in today’s highly competitive market, has proven to be insufficient in helping many small businesses grow. Newspaper and Yellow Page readership continues to decline, while the cost to run ads is increasing.
Why advertise in a declining market?
Why spend more money to reach fewer people?

Why AdzZoo?
Traditional advertising, in today’s highly competitive market, has proven to be insufficient in helping many small businesses grow. Newspaper and Yellow Page readership continues to decline, while the cost to run ads is increasing.

By utilizing the process known as geo-targeting, the physical location of a web searcher is determined, and then specific content is delivered to them based on the nature of their inquiry. Simply put, geo-targeting enables local businesses to be matched with local searches.

Online Branding
We all know the old saying, “What are the 3 most important factors in buying real estate?” “Location, Location, Location!” Think of the Internet as the real estate of the 21st century. Your web presence and search engine location matter.

Google, and other search engines, guide people through billions of websites to deliver the most relevant information matching search criteria. AdzZoo creates an online campaign for each business to drive online traffic to your door.
Location also applies to advertising on popular web sites. As we all know, effective advertising is done through ad campaigns. Promotion of your business name and message on some of the most popular web sites in the world creates a branding effect within your local community that is crucial for your business.

How does it work?
1. Optimized Web Page: Designed for searches and online exposure.
2. Geo-Targeted Search Engine Results: Enables local businesses to be matched with local searches.
3. Google’s Local Business Center: Put your business on the map!
4. Local Online Branding: Your geo-targeted ad on high traffic websites like CNN, Food Network, AOL, and thousands of others.
5. Monitor Campaign For Optimization: Monitor and fine tune campaign for optimum online exposure.

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ADzZOO Online Campaign Director Blog

Online Statistics

Industry Statistics  It is estimated that there are over 1 trillion URLs in the world   In 2006, there was an average of 2.7 billion online searches per month.  In  2009, there was an average of 32 2 billion searches per month.   The first text message was sent in 1992.  Today, texts sent and received each  day exceed the earth's total population.    Google's share of the search market is 76%   Google reported $22 billion i... READ MORE Posted January 20, 2010 at 11:17 AM

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