Reviews for Education And Training Companies in Seattle, WA

Bennett/Stellar Performance Training


By Joanne

I just wanted to say that attending Bennett Stellar was a conscience expanding experience resulting in incredible life changes. I have grown as a person as a result and my business and personal relationships have benefited exponentially. Michael Bennett, the instructor is by far a most talented Hypnotist and NLP instructor. He does not work on typical hypnotic scripts and actually teaches you techniques to help others. I would recommend the training to ANYONE! more

Bennett/Stellar Performance Training


By sam k

I took the 15 day Master NLP/Hypnotherapy/Life Coach/Reiki course I got more out of this class in the first 3 days then I expected from the whole class. The way they integrate the therapies together to compliment each other make the therapies very powerful. I was able to use them successfuly as soon as I got home. The biggest surprise due to the fact that not only do they teach and show examples of how to do the therapies but they have you do the therapies and get them done on you while they guide you threw them so you truely understand all aspects on every level possible from a client standpoint and a practitioner standpoint. I was able to heal things within myself that i have been trying to manage and heal for most of my life during this 2wk course. I came home a truely whole and integrated person with more energy, light and understanding of myself and others and also with the tools and Diplomas to do the same thing for my friend, family, and clients.Best investment I've ever made :) more

Sandler Training


By Anna Manis at Citysearch

Sandler Training is the most non-traditional, differentiated approach to selling I've ever seen and in 8 years, I've been sent to my fair share of trainings. Love this class, good people run the show....only wish I had this education a long time ago. more

Dr. Quick Books, Inc.


By James Donohue

Hi DoctorQuickBooks, I am DoctorQuickBooks Watch for to be coming soon. I like your site, I wish you all the best. I work mostly in the San Diego to LA area. My current site is As we both know, there is plenty of work fixing messed up QuickBooks systems. I enjoy showing the clients how to do it right, and I am setting up a mobile service also. more

Dr. Quick Books, Inc.

Need help with Quickbooks - this Dr. will fix it! Great help and fixed my problem quickly and professionally. more

Dr. Quick Books, Inc.


By Brad Vogel

"I called Keith when my natural and synthetic fiber carpet sales and installation business ran into a problem with QuickBooks. We kept on getting warnings that we were exceeding the maximum number of (customer) records. Keith promptly returned my phone call. He told me that if I wanted to keep all of our individual transactions of record on file for future use, the only way to get around the 14,500 record limitation in QuickBooks Pro or Premier would be to switch to the more expensive Enterprise Solutions which can have millions of transactions as it is a database driven program rather than software driven. He pointed out that you get two years worth of the program as Intuit, the manufacturer includes next year's program as part of the package and that it is cost effective when you have more than three users. It was refreshing to talk to someone who would tell me what I didn't want to hear and was impartial about it." more

Blockbeta Marketing


By Stepping Stone Center

Consider Blockbeta for your marketing needs. more

Tilth Association


By Chris D. at Judy's Book

Seattle Tilth is a community non-profit that delivers information and hands-on learning opportunities to natural & organic gardeners in the Seattle area. Their spring plant sale is a don't-miss event for local gardeners, offering a huge va... more

Sandler Training


By marydlewis at Citysearch

I sell information technology consulting for a small local company and always thought of myself as a superstar. I always exceeded quota from year to year, and I worked really hard to do so. With Sandler Sales I now have a process for selling. Now I know where I went wrong in the selling process and I am getting better at selling than I ever thought I was capable. My quota is $3.5M and after the first 4 months of Sandler I have exceeded my quota and am on track to do $8M this year! Huge commissions!! Doug does not charge enough for what he does. Sign up for his class before he realizes is isn't charging enough! more

Sandler Training


By dhose at Citysearch

I am enrolled in Doug's weekly workshop to build my selling skills and have increased my closing from 10% to 90% in the first 3 months! This stuff really works and is better than going to a rah rah seminar where you forget everything in the first week. I highly recommend this training. It has changed my life! Sandler Sales Institute rocks! more

Tilth Association


By Teresa C. at Judy's Book

Tilth has a wealth of information on organic gardening, raising chickens in the city, composting and much more. Check out their website to find out about classes. We took one of their classes and were thoroughly impressed with the organis... more

Tilth Association


By Chris D. at Judy's Book

I stumbled across Seattle Tilth on a walk through my neighborhood - they run an experimental garden on the grounds of the Good Shepherd Center in Wallingford - and have been a fan ever since. They're an education-oriented non-profit, and of... more

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10 Small Business Tax Mistakes That Will Cost You.

 No receipts Not hiring your kids: did you know that paying them up to $5,800 in income is tax-free? Find out more. more

By Dr. Quick Books, Inc. February 20, 2011

Follow-Up Questions from Deborah's ”Death of a Dinosaur" Article

Letting go of the cheese I am asked, "Can companies keep the annual review while they move to a coaching process and culture?"  For those of you who have read  "Who Moved my Cheese?" you can't get your new cheese until you let go of your old cheese, so that answer is – no.  This is true for many reasons. As part of my research I interviewed managers, directors and execs.  Some of the questions I asked were, "What do you get from doing an annual review? Why do you do them? What value do they provide?" One COO summed it up.  He said, "It forces us to have these kinds of discussions with our employees once a year."  And he was serious.  And that is what is happening. As long as you have the annual review as a fall back, you will not fully integrate performance management as an integral business process, because you'll always have the annual review to fall back on.  It becomes a crutch.  Once you take away that crutch, it forces you to focus on performance throughout the year.  It's basic change management.  You can't straddle two processes, you have to commit.  Once you go through 6 months to a year of organizational coaching, the annual (or semi-annual review) becomes irrelevant and obsolete.  There would be no reason to do one. What about ratings for compensation decisions?  What about documentation? Compensation decisions are usually done via Excel spreadsheet.  A VP or Director gets a % or $ amount based on the economic situation of the company to distribute to their department.  Allocations are based somewhat on performance, but usually around market pay for the position, where an employee sits in the salary range, how long have they been in the role, additional responsibilities, or if they want to retain an employee.  With merit budgets in the 3-4% range, there is very little real differentiation for performance. If you are following the coaching process, you don't need to do a separate review to know how your employees are performing, as you are continually assessing how they are doing against their goals throughout the year. At the end of the year, you would not (should not) have any underperformers, as performance issues are dealt with throughout the year and changes are made earlier (unless it is a brand new employee), rather than waiting until the annual review and then putting someone on a performance plan.  Are managers willing to let their employees underperform until it is review time?  It comes down to who's performing well and who's performing exceptionally well, and you would already have that information. As far as documentation for an employment decision, you have 40+ weeks of feedback, goals, commitments, and results captured in a pre- and post- meeting form that the employee completes.  That is the best documentation you could possibly have on performance, which spans the entire year – not something you are trying to pull together at the end of the year. What if we are not ready to give up the annual performance review right now?  What can we do to improve our performance management processes? You should consider organizational coaching, even and especially if you retain an annual performance review.  This is where most performance management falls down.  You assess, you create development plans, and you forget them until the next review, or you try to include performance goals in your 1:1's, but managers are ill-equipped to coach their employees.  Many think of coaching as remedial and are uncomfortable with it. Some are still caught up in command-and-control, which is a good way to lose valuable employees.  Most just don't know how, and have never experienced a successful coaching relationship themselves.  If managers are trained and have experienced a coaching relationship, it moves from remedial to transformational. And many really like the new role of coach.  Some of the most successful managers that I know today are being coaching themselves, have had coaching training, and are actively coaching their employees. Organizational coaching can be the next step in your evolution if you are willing to take the big step. What if an employee is not owning their review or development? That can and will happen, but if it is an expectation of all employees, then it becomes and is treated like any other performance issue where the manager plays a more active role.  And in a coaching culture, those conversations come up sooner rather than after the end of the year, so you can make course corrections as needed, rather than waiting for a formal review process. Imagine – through laser questioning, interviewing, and hiring employees who are driven to self and continuous improvement.  Isn't that the type of employee most companies want to hire?  It all starts and ends with whom you hire.  But that's another workshop… Now imagine setting the expectations with your new employees through your employment branding and on-boarding process. Imagine that at XYZ Company, the employee, not the manager, owns their review and development process.  The employee is responsible for soliciting meaningful feedback and creating goals for themselves.  Here is the process and the tools and your manager is there to help coach you to success. What if a manager does not want to be a coach? That also can and will happen.  Sometimes a manager only knows the command-and-control approach to management; most of the time they just don't know how to coach.  Once again, it comes down to actually experiencing a successful coaching relationship themselves.  Once they see how it can work, many find it very liberating and enjoyable.  Many enjoy it because it is not punitive and remedial, a role that most managers are uncomfortable with. Some managers enjoy command-and-control and don't want to change.  That's a decision you need to make.  Do you want that type of management style in your organization? The new business environments don't support it, but you have to make that cultural decision. And then there are the managers that, despite their best efforts and training, just don't have the interpersonal skills to be a great coach, but they are a valuable member of the team and support the process. In that case, companies employ either external or internal coaches to provide that role.  For example, Cigna employs 22 internal coaches.  Whether you have internal or external coaches depends on the size of the organization.  The expectation is that the managers are still being coached themselves, but their employees meet with a coach weekly or bi-weekly, and then meet with their managers once a month to recap their progress. more

By People Biz Inc. September 27, 2010

Unlock the Marketing Potential of Your Facebook Fan Page (Beginner)

Hands-on workshop shows small businesses how to promote "Fan" pages September 28th, 10am-12:45pm at Held at Mercer Island Community Center near Seattle Promoting Your Facebook Fan Page: Only 4 days until the class  Register Today This workshop is all about attracting people to your existing Fan page. We'll use a combination of lecture and hands-on, so bring your laptop and be prepared to work to build your audience. Learn the various ways to get fans to "like" your page We'll show you how to add social widgets and badges to your website Understand how to leverage the connection between your blog, newsletter and fan page We'll explain status tagging and how to use it to attract people who don't know you Understand what to say to visitors to increase "likes", interactions and rankings within Facebook Instructors: Robbin Block, founder of Blockbeta Marketing and author of Social Persuasion: Making Sense of Social Media for Small Business available on Amazon combines the best of traditional and new media like nobody's business. She believes strategy always comes first when it comes to marketing and that no one tool, even Facebook, will make a company successful -- it's just part of a well-conceived plan. With over 25 years of experience, she's given hundreds of engaging and often humorous presentations that deliver a dash of economic theory with a healthy dose of New York skepticism. Robert Lani is a Social Agent at Venu, a Blockbeta subsidiary specializing in social media marketing for events and entertainment. Robert has been instrumental in growing attendance, fan base, and revenue for local entertainers through day-to-day social media interactions on Facebook, Twitter and local social sites. Fee: $45 for each class.Learn more and sign up Who Should Attend: Small business owners and marketers who want to know how to promote their Facebook fan pages effectively. You have created a Facebook Fan page for your business and you've started to socialize online. You want to get more Facebook fans. You generally understand how your own website works or have someone you work with who can help modify your website. Attendees can expect to... Get about 1 1/2 hours of instruction, an hour of hands-on exercises and 1/4 hour of Q&A;Have a comfortable classroom setting with Wi-FiTake home a packet with a presentation handout and tip sheet Top reasons you should attend... By the time you leave, you'll have concrete tools you can put into practice immediately to get more people to your page, "like" it and return for more. The speaker will share... Marketing tips, tools and ideas for using Facebook more effectively. more

By Blockbeta Marketing September 24, 2010

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