Blogs from Retail Shopping Stores in Sandy, UT

Corporate Munim

Corporate Munim- Established in 1991, Nutec Infotech Pvt. Ltd (NIPL) is a well known and reputed name of the industry for its revolutionary productCorporate Munim. For more than two decades Nutec Infotech Pvt. Ltd has built a powerful platform for delivering premium quality services. It started the business and grown at tremendous speed in one of the most competitive and toughest times of the IT Industry globally. It has seen multiple eras of recessions as well. When it comes to being supernatant and razor sharp at managing business risks, (Corporate Munim) Nutec Infotech Pvt. Ltd has shown its maturity. more

By Corporate Munim May 30, 2019

Corporate Munim

Corporate Munim- Established in 1991, Nutec Infotech Pvt. Ltd (NIPL) is a well known and reputed name of the industry for its revolutionary productCorporate Munim. For more than two decades Nutec Infotech Pvt. Ltd has built a powerful platform for delivering premium quality services. It started the business and grown at tremendous speed in one of the most competitive and toughest times of the IT Industry globally. It has seen multiple eras of recessions as well. When it comes to being supernatant and razor sharp at managing business risks, (Corporate Munim) Nutec Infotech Pvt. Ltd has shown its maturity. more

By Corporate Munim May 27, 2019

Numerology at a Glance

By Trish Thompson April 20, 2011 Every day numbers are a part of our lives, we have birthdates, addresses, phone numbers, social security numbers, bank accounts and more. We live our lives by the date and time. Numbers have been a part of our lives sense ancient times and so has numerology. Numerology is the study of numbers and how they affect our lives. In numerology we not only use the numbers as in our birthdate but we also assign the numbers 1-9 to the letters of the alphabet. By doing this and using a person’s name we can find out certain things about a person, their character, and what strengths and weaknesses they might possess.  Numerology is rather a simple concept, it’s a matter of adding numbers together until they reduce down to a single digit, with the exception of a few. One of the exceptions areMaster numbers 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, and 66. They are considered to have a higher vibration and are normally written as 11/2 (1 + 1 = 2), 22/4 (2 + 2 = 4). Master numbers beyond 22/4 are not very common and have not been explored very thoroughly. When using the numbers in calculation you would add the Master numbers and not the reduced numbers. For example if your birthdate was 11/14/1966 your birth month would be 11/2 and the day as 14/5 and the year as 22/4 and you would add 11 + 5 + 22 = 38, reduce again, 3 + 8= 11 or 11/2 The other exception to note is theKarmic numbers. Karmic numbers are related to the belief of reincarnation and that we may have past lives in which we made mistakes and have left that life still owing a debt for that mistake. These numbers are 13, 14, 16, and 19. These numbers are written as 13/4, 14/5, 16/7, and 19/1 (note 1 + 9 = 10 and is then further reduced to 1 + 0 = 1). When using the numbers in the calculations you would use the lower numbers verses the Karmic numbers. For example if your birthdate was 04/19/1960 you birth month would be 04, birth day 19/1, and your birth year would be 16/7 and you would add 4 + 1 + 7 = 12, reduce again, 1 + 2 = 3. It is important to remember which numbers to add when it comes to Master and Karmic numbers in order to have an accurate finding.  Perhaps the most important findings are your Life Path and Birth Day numbers. Your Life Path number is calculated by adding your birth day, month and year, and your Birth Day is just that, you add the number(s) of the day, for example if your birthdate was 12/15/1970, your calculations would be: for the month 1 + 2 = 3, for the day 1 + 5 = 6, and for the year 1 + 9 + 7 + 0 = 17 reduce again 1 + 7 = 8 so then to find your Life Path number you would add 3 + 6 + 8 = 17 reduce again and your Life Path number is 1 + 7 =8 and your Birth Day number is 6.         When turning letters into numbers we write the alphabet out and number them 1-9. A-1D-4G-7J-1 M-4   P-7S-1 V-4Y-7  B-2E-5 H-8K-2N-5Q-8T-2 W-5   Z-8 C-3F-6 I-9  L-3 O-6R-9U-3X-6 Now we can use the numbers in association with our name. Since some people may have many last names, it is best to keep it simple and use your birth name or maiden name. For our example we will use a short name such as Daisy Mae Brown: D-4, A-1, I-9, S-1, Y-7     M-4, A-1, E-5 B-2, R-9, O-6, W-5, N-5 With these numbers we separate the names, consonants, and vowels. First we add each name: Daisy= 4 + 1 + 9 + 1 +7 = 22 or 22/4,  Mae= 4 + 1 + 5= 10 reduce further = 1, Brown =2 + 9 + 6 + 5 + 5= 27 reduce further 2 + 7 = 9 add all three together, 22 + 1 + 9 = 32 further reduce 3 + 2 = 5, your name total/Expression number is 5. Now we do the same for the consonants in each name: Daisy= 4 + 1 = 5, Mae=4, Brown= 2 + 9 + 5 + 5 = 21 further reduce = 3 add these together 5 + 4 + 3 = 12 further reduce = 3, yourConsonants/Intellect number is 3. Finally we do the same for the vowel: Daisy= 1 + 9 + 7 =17 further reduced = 8, Mae = 1 + 5 = 6, Brown= 6, add these together 8 + 6 + 6 = 20 further reduced = 2, and yourVowel/Motivation number is 2. The total of your vowels and consonants will equal your name total, if not you made a mistake. So we have discussed how we find our Life Path number, Birth Day number, Name Total/Expressions number, Consonants/Intellect number, and Vowel/Motivation number, let’s discuss their meanings and importance. These five make up the “Core Element” numbers of your Numerology Chart.  Life Path number: Counts for 40% of the Core Elements numbers. This represent the journey you should take in life and the tools and skills you have to make the journey rewarding. Birth Day number: Counts for 10% of the Core Elements number. This represents the way we see things and the way we react to them during our journey. Name Total/Expressions Number: Counts for 25% of the Core Elements and this represents how other people tend to see us. Consonants/Intellect Number: Counts for 12.5% of the Core Elements number. This represents our thoughts. Vowel/Motivation Number: Counts for 12.5% of the Core Elements number. These represent our emotions. With practice you will learn how to exam each number individually and as a total to understand their meanings and relevance.  There are several other numbers that make up a person’s Chart and give guidance, watch for next months article for more information on what these numbers mean. more

By Magique Treasure's June 14, 2011

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Staats Bike Shop


By Samantha G. 1

Thank you so much for providing such a place of bike lovers like me. I really appreciate your service. I will definitely return. more

Weezl Bikes


By Sam Melo

Went here for their repair service and I was not disappointed. Definitely the place to be for people who consider biking as life. more

Staats Bike Shop


By Kimberly Y

I have went here to try their repair service and it didn't dissapoint at all. The bike technician is really helpful and skilled at what he does. more

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