Blogs from Abuse Treatment Services in Salt Lake City, UT

How To Discover Your Full Self

For Therapy to work, you must have a good connection...and that's why        self-help books don't work. Our emotional lives, with all their emotional cues, are on board before any verbal or conceptual ability appears. And the consequences of these experiences are unaffected by intellectual efforts to change them. That may be because emotions, and our most powerful “memories”, seem to be stored in the right hemisphere of the brain. And yet our thinking (or intellectualizing) is a left-hemisphere activity. Books and conversations about why we act the way we do are certainly helpful, but they don’t seem to be enough to effect real changes in our interactions with the world and ourselves. So how can we make real changes? Only by recreating as much as possible the initial conditions in which the processes were created in the first place. We are born wired to seek connection with others. You may have heard that, "your first loves (parents) create the models for every relationship there after." They become our relationship-blueprints, if you will. Our experiences, especially with our caregivers, will become unconscious, intuitive memories that form the basis of our emotional life. So if you want to change the deep, un-conscious patterns that define your reactions to life's events, you need an environment that can mirror those earliest connections, while, ideally, re-writing them (“neuro-plasticity”). The result is a more harmonious existence in your current situations. A powerful way to do this is through a positive connection with a trained professional (i.e., a psychotherapist). Good therapy aims to create a safe connection so that emotional healing can take place. Psychotherapy is nothing more than an avenue to help you discover and then drop all the barriers - thoughts, emotions, mistaken beliefs - everything that builds a wall between you and your birthright to live a full, balanced, and satisfying life. The moment they drop you find yourself whole. And there is more to it, of course. Techniques that require direct experience have proven effective, such as working with the “inner child” through writing exercises, mindfulness meditations, and others. I believe these techniques work because they access the right brain. When my client opens up to me as much as they can in a session, I know that we are accessing the right brain. In doing so, the chances for authentic change become possible.If you’d like to work with me, have a question, or want to chat, please call :801-273-7514  (private voicemail, 24/7),or Email me! @ Jane A Weiss, LCSW  []Join Me :  Jane A. Weiss, LCSW on Facebook more

By Jane A Weiss, LCSW September 19, 2014

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The Haven


By Grace785

The Haven is a so called rehab that makes you sign a paper that your first mont of 3100 will not be refunded to you.This is so they have the ability to expel your son or daughter without even a PHONE CALL to you.My son ended up on the streets for smiling.....not using but SMILING.ANother poor family had the bad judgement to write a 10,000 check upfront and their son was put on the streets 72 hours later.Thsi place should be exposed for what it is and shut down.... more

Recovery Ways Addiction Treatment


By ThisGuy12233

The staff at Recovery Ways was absolutely wonderful. I had plenty of opportunity to get to know my therapist Aimee and work through things with her. I had a beautiful private room, my own bathroom and plenty of personal space. There was always someone there to help me out with assignments or anything else I was struggling with. The experience truly exceeded any and all expectations i had and the staff went above and beyond to make my stay as comfortable and smooth as possible. I loved the food as well! I felt that my feelings and opinions were always heard and I was a person to them. I was treated like a person, not a victim and together we were able to achieve the ultimate goal of long term sobriety. I have almost 2 and a half years! I talk ti Aimee and other staff members regularly, they care about how i am doing. I couldn't have done it without their help and guidance. more

Recovery Ways Addiction Treatment


By ThisGuy12233

The staff at Recovery Ways was absolutely splendid. I felt that my feelings and opinions were always heard and I was treated with respect. I was given plenty of opportunity to get to know my therapist Aimee and work through things with her. I had a beautiful room, my own bathroom and personal space. Recovery Ways did anything and everything to make my stay as comfortable and stress free as possible. The food was amazing! I don't believe I would be where I am today with out the help of Recovery Ways and I stay in touch with them as often as I can. They treated me like a person, not a victim and together we were able to reach the ultimate goal of long term sobriety. I have almost 2 and a half years!! more

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