Best Businesses in Mont Alto, PA
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About Mont Alto, PA

Mont Alto is a borough in Franklin County, in the Chambersburg metro area.In 1915 the town of Mont Alto was incorporated with a population of 800.In the beginning of the 20th century, Mont Alto contained one of the largest sanatoriums in the area for treatment of tuberculosiMajor attractions include Mont Alto Arboretum and Mont Alto State Park. Among the biggest companies in Mont Alto are Way Brocasting Inc and Farmers and Merchants Trust Company of Chambersburg . The biggest schools here are Carroll Community College and Mont Alto Elementary school. One of the best places to visit when you are in Mont Alto is Hagerstown Roundhouse Museum,. Famous persons from Mont Alto include Armando Lopez.

Best Businesses in Mont Alto, PA

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Central Baptist Chapel


By Ministerlong45

Hi my name is Alvino ray long sr I am a independent minister can you please send me some information about the baptist I am very much interested in learning about the baptist faith do you make your ministers go to school to learn how to preach I feel and believe if the lord calls a person to preach they should not have to go to school I am ordained as a non denominational minister I want to become a baptist preacher so any information you can send will be appreciated my address is 317 South Main Street apt B Chambersburg PA17201 my phone number is 717 809 8017 thank you so much god bless you and your ministry more

Frank's Taste of Italy


By BigFatJohn at Citysearch

Frank's is more than just good pizza. It's a friendly atmosphere with a variety of sandwiches, Italian dishes, and some American food as well. Always a great deal to take your family here. more

Frank's Taste of Italy


By Anonymous

I hate to write a bad review of any place but I really feel like I've given Frank's Pizza MANY chances. I would advise anyone who wants to use a delivery service to go somewhere else. The drivers are nice especially the one at lunch time but that's about all Frank's has to offer.There is no excuse to have such poor customer service when you place an order or and take so long to deliver a simple order.Any other place I've ordered from would at least tell me I'll have to wait over an hour to get my pizza-Frank's won't. You just wait and wait until they show up. If you call and remind them after waiting a long time, they act like it's not a big deal. This is their pattern. I only live a few blocks away Frank's, but I'll drive to Waynesboro from now on to order pizza and pick it up myself. more

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Promoting Your Business How To

This Blog is in response to the Forum Topic: Promoting Your Business." Due to the constraints on characters, and my having much to say on this topic, it didn't work out as a reply to the thread, so instead, I'm making it a blog. Reading this is in no way a substitute for spending time in that thread on the forum however, as it is definitely worth the investment of time to read through. The Circle has a wealth of experience, and it is wonderful that everyone here shares so openly, and acts as mentors for those who've not walked in their shoes yet. In the thread, networking was mentioned, as were referrals, and to be honest this is really where businesses grow from. Starting out its just hard, and there really is no short cut. I know people who buy leads. Those leads are only semi-more valuable than the telephone book in my opinion. People hate to cold call, but when you're first getting started there is no substitue for it. You have to build a business base before you can start to generate referrals from it. Flyers are fine so long as you're not just pinning them to a bulletin board and expecting magic to happen. You have to walk into a business or if you're selling to a consumer, you have to find some other way of putting it into their hands. You must have some talk time. Some people are going to wave you off, let it be. Others will take a moment and hear what you have to say. Prepare a 30 second elevator speech that is concise and to the point. Be friendly, be sincere, and be interested in them. Let your elevator speech end with an open-ended question. You'll have to tailor it for your own product(s) or service(s), just make sure it is not a yes/no question, but a conversation starter. Most people (I mean the ones to whom you're speaking to, not you) when they begin talking are going to sell themselves. You're job is to give them an opportunity to talk. If you're just too intimidated to walk into a business, then check your Chamber of Commerce's website for upcoming events. Go to the event, with your flyers in hand, and be sure you have contact information, and most importantly your website address. Your website is going to be your actual salesperson for all those people who accepted your flyer with good intentions to look at it later, but didn't choose to give you their ear at the event. If you're product or service is a business-to-business sale, you are going to have to get over your stage fright, learn how to walk through the door, talk with a receptionist, with your 30 second elevator speech, and with this your open ended question is going to be, "I'm going to leave this flyer with you to give to whomever is responsible, and I will be following up in a few days, who should I ask for? Sometimes they won't tell you (often they won't) because they legitimately do not know who, or they have a company policy not to tell. In those cases, you just have to be tenacious, and keep calling or looking for press releases on their website that will give you some hint of who might be the right person. The good news is, that many will offer it up with no challenge at all. Those are your gold. Make sure you bring something to write on and something to write with, get the info, and when you walk out the door, jot down the name of the business if they don't give you a business card, and the address, otherwise you'll get home with a bunch of Mr. Jones, Sales Manager, and nothing else, and all that prospecting time is wasted. Those that offer are gold, treat them as such. One of those are going to be your next customer. Once you have some customers built up, then referrals are going to become your biggest promotion. You have to stay in contact with your customers. The least expensive way of doing this is via Electronic Newsletters or Electronic Marketing Emails. If you're not capturing your customer's email addresses (regardless of what type of business you have) you are throwing money away. Not only are you missing out on the opportunity you have to bring your previous customer back through your door for products and services you know they will pay for with a special promotion, but you're going to end up spending money trying to advertise to these same people via print, radio, whatever to let them know you have a promotion going. What a waste of resources, and huge missed opportunity. You need more new customers? Ask your previous customers for referrals. Add Refer my Site to a Friend links on your web pages, Add a Forward this email to your friends form within your newsletter, so they just have to add their friend's name into one box on the form and an email address in the next. Get your customers to promote for you. Btw, this is known as viral marketing. It works online and offline. Use your existing resources, and stop paying more money over and again for what you can already tap into through your already established, satisfied customer base. Finally, with networking, all of us in here are linked to one another either through a group or through our own site. Before we head out the door to Wal-mart, Barnes-n-Noble, or whatever other Multinational conglomerate out there, look to your network and see if the same thing you want to purchase is already available to you through one of your Merchant Circle connections. If it is, and chances are if you have a number of connections, it is, then stop giving your money to Multinationals who will never send you a single referral or do one more thing for you than take your money and give you a product or sell you a service. We should be helping one another. Think Circle first, and if its not here, then go outside the Circle to wherever. When you think Circle first, guess what? It's contagious. Even if whomever you buy from does not personally have a need for your product or service, they will remember you if you become their customer, and when the opportunity presents, and someone they know, a customer, a friend, a family member etc., speaks about looking for your product or service, they will send them back to you. As the saying goes, What goes Around comes Around. my two cents..... more

By Central Store Setup May 28, 2008

All Credit Card Processing is Not Equal

I talk with lots of retailers and small business owners every day. Some are already processing credit cards, others have yet to begin. There seems in my discussions to be a common theme that one processor is as good as the next, and the bottom line is what is the rate. While rate matters, it is important to understand that there is more than "A Rate." The most common question I'm asked is what's your rate? When I try to explain its not that simple, it is difficult to convey in a brief conversation exactly what my point is. There are multiple rates in every single processing relationship and multiple fees in addition to these rates. My job is not to try and match a retailer up with any individual merchant processing company, but to identify the one that is best for the individual merchant. Not every merchant processing company is ideal for every merchant. That is why I work with several of the leading merchant companies, who are stable companies, and offer high quality services to businesses. By having that foundation established, I can help a merchant to analyze their particular needs, and then match them to the best merchant provider for them. How a business operates affects their rate, and how they will be charged. For example, Merchant Processor "A" might offer an incredibly excellent "Qualified Rate" while offering a So-So "Mid/Partial" Qualified Rate. If I just lost you, don't feel bad. Most businesses who accept credit cards have no idea what I'm talking about either. However, they are still paying for it. I explain to merchants what is a Qualified Rate, What is a Mid/Partial Qualified Rate, what is a Non-Qualified Rate, and so on... and then by looking at their merchant statement and asking them some questions about their business, I'm able to determine if the Mid/Partial Rate is of high priority to them. If they aren't taking a lot of Rewards Cards, or other special class cards, then they might be well-suited for the the processor with the Great Qualified Rate and the So-So other rates. If on the other hand they are a large ticket merchant, chances are, the Mid/Partial Rate is as Important if Not More Important than the Qualified Rate. So they might be better suited for "Processor B"  that offers a Competive, but not the Most Competitive Qualified Rate, and a Terrific Mid/Partial Qualified Rate. If the Merchant takes a Significant Amount of their Orders by Telephone, then Possibly a Retail Merchant Account is not the Most Competitive for them. Perhaps, "Processor C" who has the most competitive MOTO or Card Not Present Services is going to Help this Merchant to Reduce their Monthly  Processing Costs. There are so many factors that come into play when doing an analysis. If a merchant is already processing and wants to know how competitive their rate is, I can do this at no cost to them, with an industry comparison of leading providers in the United States and Canada, and have results back to them usually within 24 hours. Just fax your most recent Merchant Statement toll-free to 866-738-9657. For merchants who've yet to establish a merchant account, but want to accept credit cards, we'll talk about your business model, and how you plan to operate, then begin the process of identifying the most well-suited processor for your business. Retail Merchants who are just beginning can take advantageof a Free Terminal Processing Placement program, and Merchants who've been processing and already have equipment, so long as it is compatible, and most are, is a simple download to your current terminal that takes about 15 minutes to complete. Merchants who will be processing credit cards over the internet or mostly by telephone can take advantage of our Free Account setup. Visit, to learn about all of our services and product offerings. If you're not yet in our network, please send us an invite. more

By Central Store Setup May 26, 2008

The Currency of Business

According to the Federal Reserve, Cash is still King, and Checks are a close second. In this increasingly electronic world, credit cards are catching up. The businesses who are the most successful are the ones who offer the most choices. This is true in whatever service or product they sell, and also in how they will accept payment. Small and seasonal businesses have shyed away from credit card processing and have limited their growth and sales. As things have become competitive, bank processors have become more creative in how to accommodate the small or seasonal business owner, and now they too can offer the same services to their customers as the large businesses on seasonal programs (not offered by all merchant bank processors) and at substantially lower costs. Businesses need tools to grow. One of the easiest and highest profit potential tools is a website that sells the services and products of the business. Until now, small businesses simply could not afford this option. But as the merchant processing market becomes more competitive, more tools at better prices have been created, and now even a one-person, home business can be online, selling in a single afternoon. Another fairly new tool, is the wireless option. Today you can go to a flea market and take your credit cards with you. Before, you had to stop at the atm and take out your daily limit before heading to the flea market of your choice, but not today. Today, you will see the merchants swiping credit cards on their mobile credit card terminal, making more sales in a day than ever before. Technology is truly leveling the field so that home businesses and small businesses can, at affordable costs, offer to their customers the same options for doing business with them that til now was reserved for large businesses that took customers from their smaller competitors because of their advantages. Now, almost all businesses can provide these options and compete on the basis of quality of service and products for their customers instead of  giving them up to the ones who offered the most convenience and ease of doing business. To learn about different options available described in this article and how your business can best utilize the tools available, contact me at 717-762-3166. Whether you are a one-person, home business or a large company, you can be equipped with state of the art technology, and services that will make your business goals a reality. more

By dba Mommy Register February 16, 2008