Blogs from Printing And Publishing Companies in Portland, OR

مجال الربح من اليوتيوب

انتشر مجال الربح من اليوتيوب في عالمنا العربي بشكل كبير في السنوات الاخيرة كافضل مجال لربح المال بسهولة و لكن الحقيقة مختلفة لانك لو اعتمدت على ارباح اليوتيوب لوحده و خاصة ان كنت تعمل بمجال تعليمي مثل المجال التقني على سبيل المثال سوف تكون ارباحك ضعيفة و خاصة اننا نعلم ان المعادلة تقول ربح المال من اليوتيوب يعتمد اساسا على عدد المشاهدات للاعلانات و النقر عليها ، و في حالة العمل في مجال تعليمي او مجال مخصص سوف يكون عدد المشاهدات ضعيفا و بالتالي ارباح قليلة مقارنة بالجهد الذي تبذله . هل يعني هذا ان ارباح اصحاب القنوات الصغيرة و التعليمية قليل ؟ هل الربح من اليوتيوب مجرد خيال و الارقام الكبيرة التي نسمعها حكر على القنوات الكبيرة فقط ؟ هل من طريقة للحصول على ارباح كبيرة ؟ مع عدد مشاهدات قليل ؟ الاجابة ستكون في هذا المقال اخي حيث ساقدم لك  4 طرق سرية يستخدمها الخبراء في مجال الربح من اليوتيوب بدون ادسنس ستمكنك حتما من تحقيق 750 دولارشهريا . more

By Alarbe7 October 25, 2018

Viking Garment Printing

Contact us at (844) 878-8775 in Portland, Oregon, for garment printing on anything you want. Viking Garment Printing Portland, OR 97202 Phone: 5035687564 Contact Email: Keywords: garment printing, portland, oregon more

By Viking Garment Printing July 30, 2014

Bamboo Sign frames!

These bamboo sign frames are great for a multitude of different promotional situations and they are available for a great price at our website. Go to: to see the different types of bamboo sign frames we have to offer more

By The Global Display Solution, Asia Sources, INC. February 08, 2012

The Tarot Learning Cards Deck

I want to go a little more in depth about this deck and what it includes. TheTarot Learning Cardsare essentially flash cards. Each card is double-sided with an icon on the face and information on the back. The icons are simple and have the card name below them. The simplicity of the style is intentional as these cards are meant to be a study tool to help a student learn the basics of Tarot reading and then apply that knowledge to any deck of their choice.  The fundamental meaning of a card is the same in any Tarot deck, however the imagery and symbolism in different decks can emphasize a specific aspect of a card. TheTarot Learning Cardsgive students the general meaning of the cards that can then be applied to any Tarot deck.This brings me to the subject of memorizing Tarot meanings versus learning Tarot through an intuitive approach.  Memorization is a part of the learning process, but it is not the ultimate goal of that process.  When learning something new, a certain amount of memorization is essential. Memorizing a few keywords and associations can help a student build confidence and lays the foundation for this new area of exploration.  Having that foundation built, a student of Tarot can go deeper and develop their own interpretations of the card meanings.To be an effective Tarot card reader, a person should know the system of Tarot and how it works,andthey should also develop their intuition and personal insight into the cards. TheTarot Learning Cardsdeck is a tool to assist in understanding the fundamental framework of Tarot. This is a starting place from which students can comfortably begin their journey into Tarot.The information found on theTarot Learning Cardsis compatible with teachings found in most popular Tarot books. This deck can be used along with any traditional style Tarot deck and is consistent with traditional and contemporary card interpretations.TheTarot Learning Cardsdeck consists of 84 cards: the 78 traditional Tarot cards and several informational cards. The informational cards are titled: About the Deck, How to use this Deck, Numerology, Suits and Elements, Recommended Reading, About Court Cards, About Reversals, and Terminology.The "About this Deck" and "How to use this Deck" cards discuss what the deck is about and how to get the most out of using it. TheTarot Learning Cardsdeck was created with the beginner in mind, but it is also a useful reference for more advanced students, and a tool for instructors and casual practitioners.There is enough information on these cards that it is students may find it helpful to break it down and study one piece at a time.  The parts of the deck may be divided first into Major and Minor Arcana and then further separated by suit. One suit may be studied at a time or a section of each card, for example, the card's theme or numerology association. The reversed card meanings should be the last piece of information to be covered since a thorough understanding of the upright interpretation is a necessity for interpreting reversals.The "Numerology" card is an overview of numerology and how that system functions within Tarot. For the most part, numerology works with the numbers 1 through 9 and every larger number is reduced down to a single digit. For example: take the number 36, there is no specific meaning for the number 36 as it is. So we reduce it down to a single digit by adding the two numbers together (3+6) which equals 9. In numerology the number 9 is associated with experience and accumulation, and is the last number in the number cycle. The "Numerology" card includes keywords for numbers 1 through 10 (10 being the culmination of one cycle and the beginning of the next, ore, 1 again) for the Minor Arcana."Suits and Element" is the card that includes keywords for the elements and the suit they are connected with.  Each of the four suits is associated with a particular element as follows:Wands – FireCups – WaterSwords – AirPentacles – EarthThe suits are influenced by the element that is associated with them. For example, Wands is associated with Fire. Fire stands for ego and energy, and is hot and consuming.  Earth, which is connected with Pentacles is solid, practical, materialistic, and fertile.  From this we can conclude that Wands is an energetic, fiery, and ambitious suit and the suit of Pentacles is grounded, material oriented, and abundant.  Similar correspondences would apply to Cups and Swords with their respective attributes. Familiarity with the elements associated with each suit helps in understanding the interpretation of the Minor Arcana.The "Recommended Reading" is just that, a list of recommended books on Tarot. They are sorted by beginner books and more advanced books. Some of the titles can be found on the Living Magick Publishing website for purchase.The Court cards are the Page, Knight, Queen and King of each suit in the deck. The card titled "About the Court Cards" includes how to find yourself within the Court families, looking at the Court cards as people and situations; and how they can be interpreted in a reading.Reversals are an optional part of the Tarot, and many practitioners never bother with them. I believe that using reversals can add a lot more depth and diversity to a Tarot reading than only working with the upright cards. The "About Reversals" card covers some basics on how to interpret reversed cards in a spread.The last of the informational cards is "Terminology" which includes a little about the Major Arcana, Minor Arcana, Court cards, Suits, Rx (reversals), Numerology, and Elements.The Minor Arcana:The information on the back of each Minor Arcana card consists of the theme, suit, numerology, keywords, reversed theme, suit, and reversed keywords.Example: Two of Pentacles(upright)Theme: JugglingPentacles: Work, Money, EducationTwos: Choice, Duality, CooperationKeywords: Stamina, Monetary Exchange, Balancing Projects, Making Financial ChoicesTwo of Pentacles Rx(reversed)Theme: DisorderPentacles: Work, Money, EducationKeywords: Confusion, Instability, Financial Problems, Scattered Energy, Lack of OrganizationThe theme of the card is the overall feel of the card or the most important keyword.  The next line is the suit and what that suit is associated with. In this case the suit is Pentacles which encompass the areas of Work, Money, and Education. In numerology Twos represent Choice, Duality, and Cooperation. Reading these three lines together is where the keywords are formed. The act of juggling requires stamina and juggling is a balancing act that, since we are dealing with work, money, and education, can be interpreted as the balancing of projects or finances. The numerology comes into play in making monetary decisions, and in the give and take of exchange.On the reversed side there is the main theme of the card: Disorder. We are still involved with Pentacles and the subjects of work, money and education but now the two is imbalanced and the negative side of Pentacle is shown. Where this card appears in a layout will give a reader insight into whether this card is a warning, or a situation the client is recovering from. The information card on interpreting reversals goes more in depth about this subject.The Court Cards:The Court cards also have the suit and keywords. The theme is the name of the card and the associated qualities. On the Court cards the element and astrological signs have been added.Queen of CupsQueen: Receptive, Mature Feminine(This is the theme of the card because now we are working with the archetype of the mature feminine energy.)Cups: Love, Happiness, SpiritualityWater: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces(The element associated with Cups is Water and the water signs of the zodiac are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.)Keywords: Intuitive Woman, Kind, Generous, Loving, Sensitive, Shy, Psychic, Moody, Gullible, Overly EmotionalQueen of Cups (Rx)Queen: Receptive, Mature FeminineCups: Love, Happiness, Spirituality(or lack thereof/difficulty with)Water: Cancer, Scorpio, PiscesKeywords: Seductress, Envious, Jealous, Needy, Unrealistic, Hides Emotions, Vengeful, DramaticThe reversal of the Court cards shows the negative personality traits of the person, while the upright represents the more positive traits.The Major Arcana:In the Major Arcana each card has the theme, astrological association, suit and correspondence; and keywords. With the Major Arcana cards the suit is simply the Major Arcana, which is associated with the spiritual journey, karma, and fate. The astrological associations on the Major Arcana are different than those on the Court cards. Only one zodiac sign or planet is assigned to each Major Arcana card.The LoversTheme: RelationshipsAstrology: GeminiMajor Arcana: Spiritual JourneyKeywords: Love Relationship, Partnership, Family, Duality, Cross Roads, Communication, Harmony, Cooperation, Interactions, ChoiceThe Lovers (Rx)Theme: DisharmonyMajor Arcana: Spiritual JourneyKeywords: Difficult Relationships, Miscommunication, Dominance, Imbalance, Indecision, Struggle, Seduction, LonelinessTheTarot Learning Cardsdeck comes in a sturdy, hard stock, lift off top box. The packaging is meant to store the cards when they are not being studied or used for readings. The cards themselves are printed on card stock paper with large, easy to read font. TheTarot Learning Cardscan be used to for study, as a quick reference, and for giving readings.The Tarot Learning Cards can be purchased here!Jadzia DeForest is a professional Tarot reader and instructor with over eight years of experience. She is the co-creator  of the Tarot, Astrology, and Rune Learning Cards decks and co-owner of Living Magick Publishing. Her professional website more

By Devera Publishing November 24, 2010

Living Magick Publishing Updates and New Products

The Learning Cards from Living Magick Publishing have been shipped and are on their way to us! They should be arriving next week from the printer. From there we will begin shipping to all of those who put in pre-orders! Don't miss us! We will be at the P.N.B.A. show on Friday, October 8th, 2010. This will be Living Magick Publishing's first show for book buyers. We will have all three of our new Learning Card decks available and our new product line of Quick Reference Sheets! The new Quick Reference Sheets are in the following subjects: Tarot, Tarot Reversals, Astrology, and Runes. Each sheet has the name, theme, keywords, glyphs and more for easy reference. The sheets are 8.5" by 5.5", printed on card stock and laminated with rounded corners for durability and comfort. View them online at ~Living Magick Publishing Jadzia DeForest - Co-owner more

By Devera Publishing September 18, 2010

Portland Holiday Food and Gift Show - November 5th-7th

Living Magick Publishing will be vending at the Portland Holiday Food and Gift Show at the Convention Center in Portland, Oregon from November 5th through 7th. This will be our companies first show and the public's first opportunity to see our Flash Card series for Tarot, Astrology and Runes. The Living Magick Publishing booth will also have a new line of products: Quick Reference Cards for Tarot, Astrology and Runes. Come by the show to take a look at these new products, we'll also have some popular Tarot decks, books and other great Holiday gifts! Plus, customers may enter to win the Living Magick Publishing prize package, which includes a Living Magick Book Bag, Coffee Mug, and set of Flash Cards! See you there! Jadzia DeForest more

By Devera Publishing August 21, 2010

Corporate branding - logos

Have you ever been standing at a street corner waiting to cross, while traffic whizzes by you? In addition, while you are waiting for the light to change, have you ever noticed the number of cars, vans, and trucks that have some kind of marking on the side. I have, in fact in some cases I have come to recognize some of the company logos I see regularly. I may not know a lot about a company, but I have a good idea what they do, and who I might call if I need their services. You company's logo is the first impression many of your customers will have of your company, and is one of the lasting impressions they will have of you and your products or services. It is as important as the company name itself. Simply put, your logo is the graphical representation of your company. Its power to help or hurt your company should not be underestimated. One great example of "the power of the logo" is FedEx. Years ago when Federal Express wanted to rebrand their company, they sifted through a variety of design ideas. At some point during the process, the head of Federal Express told Paul Rand (the graphic designer they had hired to do the job) that he wanted their trucks to be identified more than two blocks away. He wanted a new logo that would stand apart from the competition, because he new that every one of the delivery trucks that carried the FedEx brand would be a rolling advertisement. Now if you are standing on that street corner and watch you are able to distinguish FedEx trucks from the rest. It is one of the best-known brands in the world. Your logo's power deserves consideration. Especially as businesses get more and more competitive, your brand needs to stand out even more. You need people to recognize your image from a distance. Even if you are the only one in your market, your logo will serve as a reminder to people who need your products and services, not to forget that you are there to fulfill a need. Therefore, you might ask, "How do I make this happen? What is the best way to maximize the impact of my branding?" There is no one right answer to these questions. There are only good ideas. Some people are artistically endowed, whereas some are more analytical, either way most entrepreneurs are just to busy to spend much time in this area. Here are a few thoughts however on how to get the best logo for your company brand. Knowing target market is an important part of any business plan, and is often a requirement when applying for a business loan. You should now whom you are trying to sell to, and therefore whom you want to attract. Your logo is a critical tool for getting the attention of your desired customer base. For example, if you are selling t-shirts to people in their teens, and lower twenties, then you want your logo to reflect the culture of that age group. If you are selling, t-shirts to people who love hotrods then you want reflect their culture on your logo. Take some time to research your target market, shop your competition, and ask questions. These are all things you should be doing as part of your market research, but do them while keeping your branding in mind. Another part of your business plan is to plan for the future of you company. You should naturally be thinking of financial growth, and probably new products and services you will be bringing online in the next "X" number of years. These are more factors that should be measured when coming up with you company's branding and public image. The reason I say this is because you don't want to be limited by your own logo, in the same way you company name should be a little open ended. An example is a company that started out doing computer repair with a logo, which has a computer and a wrench, moving into new computer sales. Because their logo strongly suggest computer repair, people will not automatically know that they are in the sales business now. To make things even worse potential buyers will not even ask, because of how pointed the logo is. It is important to think ahead, and make a decision to have a logo that is slightly broad, or be ready to make adjustments down the road. One quick thought about updating your logo. There is nothing wrong with it. Companies update their public images all the time. Pepsi is a great example. Although they have maintained the same theme over the decades, they have kept their logo relevant and fresh. In fact contemporizing you image can be a sign of growth during tuff times. However, there needs to be a strategic approach to making any changes. Often times small business owners will decide to take on the creative needs of the company themselves. They believe it can save time and money. After all, who knows the company better than the person(s) who started it? It is completely understandable to want to handle this part yourself. Well I have four words for you. Hire a graphic designer. Good leadership is to use the expertise of others. Graphic designers have experience in communicating ideas with images. Most should understand uses of composition, colors, and imagery. A graphic designer will save you time, because they are going to be more efficient with the tools, then you are. In addition, hiring someone to take the creative tasks off you shoulders allows you to handle the more specialized aspects of your business. You will have more time for product development, generating sales or even with your family. It might cost a few dollars to hire someone, but it also means increased company efficiency. Another thing a graphic designer can do is to add objective input into the branding process. I think graphic designers want to see there clients successful and therefore will often bring fresh ideas, as well as their experience in the marketplace, to the table. Odds are they have done work in your industry and have some incite you need. Have you ever noticed that we all have a tendency to observe what we know? In other words, a contractor will be more aware of how a house id designed and built, then an accountant. A restraint server will be more critical (good and bad) to certain traits in other servers. Furthermore you are probably more caught up in the details of your industry than the server, as you should be. That is what makes you good at what you do. Graphic designers are no different. They tend to discern details in design that most people would miss. They are more likely to notice the different marking on the side of vehicles, while standing on the street corner. They are analyzing the effectiveness of different designs. They are recognizing what works and what does not. Also they are looking at trends. Essentially, they are doing market research. Just like everyone else Graphic designer are bombarded by ads and other marketing tools, however the difference is that they actually stop, look, and analyze. This is why graphic designers are not only good at what they do, but also a valuable resource for your company. One of the best things you can do to have an effective public image is to let go of personal biases. I did some work for a radio station once, where the station manager, wanted a t-shirt design that was trendy and hip. He wanted something that would attract a younger more progressive audience, which was probably not a bad idea. However, I did not feel the design he wanted was consistent with the station's format. The station was more of a conservative talk format, and he was going for a sort of a rock and roll look. There was inconsistency between the image he wanted to portray, and the actual feel to the station. After he made a few calls, he took my advice. The t-shirts looked good, and he was very happy with the product. Personal bias can be the biggest obstacle in creating an effective logo, or company image. It can also be detrimental when working with a graphic designer. As the client, you need set your priorities and get the results you want. However, you really need to listen to the expert, who is in this case the graphic designer. Your company logo is important, probably more important than many realize. It is the first thing people come to recognize about your company. It is what people look for when they want to know who to trust. Unfortunately, some entrepreneurs go find some clipart image that seems appropriate, because they know they need a logo, but do not really consider the impact it can have. Many see their logo as important, but feel they can create it cheaper and quicker than hiring someone or they have a personal bias as to what the logo should be. Whatever reason you have for wanting to go it alone, I recommend that you contact an expert, and at least consult with him or her about your needs. I think that once you meet with a graphic designer you will see the value of working with them, and even come to depend on them more and more as your business grows. more

By All About Graphic Design August 03, 2009 is the Northwest's #1 fast turnaround printer, Inc. is a Portland, Oregon based company that specializes in fast turnaround, high quality digital and offset printing.  We also provide graphic design and direct mail services.  Our easy online ordering system allows you to place orders and upload files 24 hours a day!  Sign up for our monthly newsletter for great deals on our products and services. more

By, Inc. April 02, 2009

Hess Design & Illustration

Working on the Coconut Bliss Packaging was total Bliss for me.... "It wasn't until we found a Portland artist, Lydia Hess, who was able to give the design the artist's hand that we were seeking, that we finally felt satisfied." more

By Hess Design & Illustration January 05, 2009

Please Come Visit

You are invited to come and see our updated website. When you do, you will find a new look, updated portfolio and strait forward bundle pricing. In addition please go to the “Contact Us” page and fill out the form with any questions or comments you have. Unfortunately we were unaware of a scripting problem with the “Contact Us” page, but it is fixed and functioning. Remember, we are offering a 10% discount to merchant circle members. more

By All About Graphic Design September 26, 2008

Recent Reviews View all

Northwest Publishing


By willis mooney

i love this company just advertised for the first time, glad i didnt make my decision based on others reviews! my advertising has already paid for itself! thanks trivia pages more

Crystal Visions


By On Hand Graphics and Print

If you need glass engraving, this is the place to go! They will do a great job. Thanks more

Technical Imaging Services (TIS)


By Laura

I walked in with little knowledge of how to proceed with a printing job of making postcards for an art show. They were so nice and took the time to help me get the proper dimensions and prepare an estimate while I was waiting. I was able to deliver a PDF file to them and they finished the job perfectly in TWO HOURS. I will be loyal from now on. more

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