Blogs from Family Assistance Services in Vincent, OH

Strengthening - Empowering - Positioning

Families Forward would like to invite your family - not mom - not dad - not little Susie - YOUR FAMILY to join us for the adventure of a lifetime.  Along the way we hope to strengthen your family in such a way that your children grow up to be the leaders in their generation, that your marriage will be enriched and deepened and that your home will be the nurturing - positive - powerful place it should be. We offer a wide variety of services for families, organizations and churches.  We love family - we love to have fun - we love the outdoors - so we try to combine those three things as often as possible.  All of our activities have a purpose behind them.  We want to make families stronger.  In a recent --VERY INDEPT-family study, the following six characteristics were present in strong families... Commitment - members of strong families are dedicated to providing for each other's welfare and happiness. They value the unity of their family. Appreciation & Affection - Members of strong families show a great deal of appreciation for each other.  The can feel how good a familiy is. Positive Communication - Strong families have good communication skills and spend large amounts of time talking with each other. TIME TOGETHER - STRONG FAMILIES SPEND TIME TOGETHE - QUALITY TIME IN GENEROUS QUANTITIES WITH EACH OTHER. Spiritual Well-Being - Whether they go to formal religious services or not, strong families have a sense of a greater power in life.  That belief gives them purpose and strength. The Ability to Cope With Stress - Members of strong families are able to view troubles and stresses as opportunities to grow. We would love for you to join us for any of our activities or events.  We'd love to work one-on-one with your family.  Our activities are fun - we camp, fish, hike, cave, eat, play - all in the name of strengthening families.  Our seminars are meaningful, passionate and quite often very humorous.  We have things for DAD - MOM - little ones - not-so-little one - everyone! Give us a call or drop us an email For the FAMILY! Tony Foreman more

By Families Forward April 13, 2007

Where do you need Family Assistance Services ?