Blogs from Water Purification Specialists in Mansfield, OH

Refill Don't Landfill - Stop Buying Expensive Store Bottled Water

Did you know that over 24 billion plastic bottles go to the landfill each year.   Culligan can help you go green with a Culligan Good Water Machine.  The Culligan Good Water Machine gives you every bit the equal to bottled water from your water supply for pennies per gallon.  Store bought water is expensive.  The hauling of water is not conveinent and can be traced back to when people had to haul water from the lake or stream to their house.  A Culligan Good Water Machine removes 94 - 99 % of all the stuff in your water giving you bottled water quality right at your fingertips.  No longer will it anger you to find 1/2 full bottles of store bought water lying around the house or in the car.  Just keep cleaning and filling the bottles you have and stick them in the fridge.  Oh by the way,  are you sick of buying ice because your ice is white and leaves "floaties" in your ice tea?  A Culligan Good Water Machine hooked up to your fridge will give you nice, clear ice cubes that will last longer and not leave all the "stuff" in you glass after the ice melts.  Culligan Quality Water of North Central Ohio has been providing customers with economical drinking and whole house water since 1939.  In most cases you can have a Culligan Water Softener and Culligan Good Water Machine installed for less than what you pay in bottled water alone.  So if you are sick of chaning "gadget"  pitcher/faucet mounted cartridges and/or buying store bought bottled water, call and say "Hey Culligan Man.   We have a more economical more conveinant method to solve any water problem wether it be how your water tastes, smells, looks or feels. We are Better Water. Pure and Simple.    1-800-359-2099 more

By Culligan Quality Water Of North Central Ohio July 25, 2008

Pharmaceuticals in Drinking Water

CULLIGAN POSITION STATEMENT and KEY MESSAGE POINTS Re: Pharmaceuticals in Drinking Water CULLIGAN POSITION STATEMENT ______________________________________________________________________ The Associated Press, CNN, and other news agencies have reported that trace levels of pharmaceuticals have been found in certain drinking water supplies – chemicals that are currently not regulated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It’s important to note that contaminants may not be in every water supply and that the level of contaminants in water varies. It depends on what enters the water supply before treatment and how the supply is treated at individual water treatment facilities. Consumers cannot know exactly what contaminants are in their water without a water test1. Culligan – which has been in the business of quality water for more than 70 years – has been closely tracking this issue with customers and dealers. Culligan’s Analytical Laboratory provides customers worldwide with water quality analyses (up to 10,000 samples are tested annually) using U.S. EPA approved methods. The company is currently expanding its analytical laboratory capabilities to screen for certain pharmaceutical and additional contaminants in water. Once the water sample is tested to determine the type and level of contaminants, Culligan offers homeowners multiple state-of-the-art water treatment options to accommodate their local water conditions. According the Water Quality Association ( in a fact sheet issued 3/11/08 on “Pharmaceuticals in Drinking Water,” home filtering systems provide the best protection for drinking water. (See attached report). Culligan’s reverse osmosis (RO) filtration technology is effective at getting out over 80 percent of certain pharmaceuticals. Residents concerned about their local water supply should contact their local Culligan dealer for a professional analysis and consultation on the appropriate water filtration solution. Culligan’s regional water experts know the conditions of their local water supply intimately and can offer the best recommendations. For a dealer near you, call 1-800-Culligan or 1. Culligan – which has been in the business of quality water for more than 70 years – has been closely tracking this issue with customers and dealers. Culligan’s Analytical Laboratory provides customers worldwide with water quality analyses (up to 10,000 samples are tested annually) using U.S. EPA approved methods. The company is currently expanding its analytical laboratory capabilities to screen for certain pharmaceutical and additional contaminants in water. Once the water sample is tested to determine the type and level of contaminants, Culligan offers homeowners multiple state-of-the-art water treatment options to accommodate their local water conditions. According the Water Quality Association ( in a fact sheet issued 3/11/08 on “Pharmaceuticals in Drinking Water,” home filtering systems provide the best protection for drinking water. (See attached report). Culligan’s reverse osmosis (RO) filtration technology is effective at getting out over 80 percent of certain pharmaceuticals. Residents concerned about their local water supply should contact their local Culligan dealer for a professional analysis and consultation on the appropriate water filtration solution. Culligan’s regional water experts know the conditions of their local water supply intimately and can offer the best recommendations. For a dealer near you, call 1-800-Culligan or in a fact sheet issued 3/11/08 on “Pharmaceuticals in Drinking Water,” home filtering systems provide the best protection for drinking water. (See attached report). Culligan’s reverse osmosis (RO) filtration technology is effective at getting out over 80 percent of certain pharmaceuticals. Residents concerned about their local water supply should contact their local Culligan dealer for a professional analysis and consultation on the appropriate water filtration solution. Culligan’s regional water experts know the conditions of their local water supply intimately and can offer the best recommendations. For a dealer near you, call 1-800-Culligan or . CULLIGAN KEY MESSAGE POINTS ______________________________________________________________________ The Issue • The Associated Press, CNN, and other news agencies have reported that trace levels of pharmaceuticals have been found in certain drinking water supplies. Culligan has been closely tracking this issue with our customers and dealers. • It’s important to note that contaminants may not be in every water supply and that the level of contaminants in water varies. It depends on what enters the water supply before treatment and how the supply is treated at water treatment facilities. • The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) does not currently regulate pharmaceutical chemicals in drinking water. - The EPA regulates specific microorganisms, disinfectants, disinfection byproducts, inorganic chemicals and organic chemicals. - The organic chemicals regulated by the EPA are typically byproducts of herbicides, pesticides and chemical manufacturing processes – not pharmaceuticals. The Importance of Testing • Consumers cannot know exactly what contaminants are in their water without a water test1. • Culligan has been dedicated to quality water for all of its customers for more than 70 years. • Culligan’s Analytical Laboratory provides customers worldwide with quality water analyses (up to 10,000 samples are tested annually) using U.S. EPA approved methods. • Culligan is currently expanding its analytical laboratory capabilities to screen for certain pharmaceutical and additional contaminants in water. • Once the water sample is tested to determine the type and level of contaminants, the appropriate home water treatment solution can be determined. 1. • Culligan has been dedicated to quality water for all of its customers for more than 70 years. • Culligan’s Analytical Laboratory provides customers worldwide with quality water analyses (up to 10,000 samples are tested annually) using U.S. EPA approved methods. • Culligan is currently expanding its analytical laboratory capabilities to screen for certain pharmaceutical and additional contaminants in water. • Once the water sample is tested to determine the type and level of contaminants, the appropriate home water treatment solution can be determined. Culligan Solutions • According the Water Quality Association in a fact sheet issued 3/11/08 on “Pharmaceuticals in Drinking Water,” home filtering systems provide the best protection for drinking water. (See attached report) • Culligan offers homeowners multiple state-of-the-art water treatment options to address their local water conditions and lifestyle needs. - A simple sediment and carbon filter reduces particles, tastes and odors. - Reverse osmosis technology reduces many substances in water such as: calcium, magnesium, sodium, barium, sulfates, chloride, and silica. It also reduces trace metals such as: chromium, copper, cadmium, lead, and selenium. - Culligan’s reverse osmosis (RO) filtration technology is effective at getting out over 80 percent of certain pharmaceuticals. - Historically, reverse osmosis has been shown to effectively reduce chemical compounds with molecular weights over 250. Since pharmaceuticals are generally very large molecules, reverse osmosis is able to substantially reduce this class of compounds. - Other filters are specifically designed to reduce certain contaminants such as: lead, mercury, volatile organic compounds, cysts and chloramines. • Ultimately, selecting the right product depends on what substances our homeowners want removed from their drinking water. What Consumers Can Do • Residents concerned about their local water supply should contact their local Culligan dealer for a professional analysis and consultation on the appropriate water treatment solution. • With Culligan, you can trust the water experts who are dedicated to better water, pure and simple.TM TM • Our regional water experts know the conditions of their local water supply intimately and can offer the best recommendations. • For a dealer near you, call 1-800-Culligan or 1Contaminates may not be in your water. Contaminates may not be in your water. About Culligan For more than 70 years,Culliganhas been recognized as the world leading innovator and provider of filtration systems to improve general use and drinking water in the home and workplace. Headquartered in the Chicago area, Culligan maintains offices in 12 countries, dealers and licensees in over 70 countries, and a network of 700+ franchise and company-owned dealers across North America. Culligan offers the most extensive water treatment product line in the world, and its solutions have been awarded the Good Housekeeping Seal, highlighted as a Consumers Digest “Best Buy” and featured on the “Designing Spaces” national television show. All media inquiries should be directed to: Jennifer K. Griffin Manager, Marketing Communications T: 1-847-430-1290 E: Culligan has been recognized as the world leading innovator and provider of filtration systems to improve general use and drinking water in the home and workplace. Headquartered in the Chicago area, Culligan maintains offices in 12 countries, dealers and licensees in over 70 countries, and a network of 700+ franchise and company-owned dealers across North America. Culligan offers the most extensive water treatment product line in the world, and its solutions have been awarded the Good Housekeeping Seal, highlighted as a Consumers Digest “Best Buy” and featured on the “Designing Spaces” national television show. All media inquiries should be directed to: Jennifer K. Griffin Manager, Marketing Communications T: 1-847-430-1290 E: more

By Culligan Quality Water Of North Central Ohio July 17, 2008

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