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Elivia Melodeys Crystal Vibrations Music
971 Borden Road - #116
San Marcos, CA 92069

This site features the inspired work of Rev. Elivia Melodey, psychic medium. Dubbed the "Angel Whisperer" by Awareness Magazine for her stunning connection to this realm. She is renown for her accurate and reliable guidance from Spirit. Psychic Phone & in person Readings available by appointment.. Singing crystal bowl sales and CDs, sound healing workshops and concerts. Channeled soothing music for meditation, massage, relaxation and spiritual growth. On line videos and sound clips plus many short videos ranging from how to pick a psychic to how to choose a singing crystal bowl, or balance your chakras. Instant stress relief guaranteed! Purchase and learn about singing crystal bowls from the Master. Explore chakras and discover how crystal sound can assist in healing on all levels. Our goal is to provide healing music, Spiritual guidance, color and sound therapy to the world. We have selected the best products and services for our customers. Elivia Melodey and the Crystal Vibrations Music label are committed to providing the best customer service and innovative products we can. Our online store is designed to provide you with a safe and secure environment to browse our product catalog. Please come back often and tell your friends. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call (888) 712-3833. We'd also like to invite you to come hear us live. You can learn more at

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Elivia Melodeys Crystal Vibrations Music

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Elivia Melodeys Crystal Vibrations Music

971 Borden Road - #116,
San Marcos, CA, 92069

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Elivia Melodeys Crystal Vibrations Music

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Buyer Beware!
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I could find no reviews on line for this company when I was solicited by phone after placing a roommate notice on Craig's List. I had no idea that this was a strictly on-line service similar to online dating. Instead of getting an email receipt for this service, as promised, I received login information for their web site. When I logged in, of the roommate matches that I was given, only 4 were in my rental range. All of the matches were out dated. The one person I did contact told me it had been a year since he had enlisted their 2-month service! They also have an online "Client Service Agreement" which states, "In no case will the service fee be refunded." I didn't sign up online, however this is a bad customer service policy to begin with. My credit card company immediately reversed the charges as this is misrepresentation and non-delivery of services offered.
for Roommate Express Com in Austin, TX

Excellent affordable redesign for your home!
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ANA & Associates has a proven track record of excellence when it comes to designing innovative homes which you will love to live in!
for ANA & Associates in Ellwood City, PA

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Most Recent Answers

How Do I Know if a Spirit Wants to Communicate?

"The question I would ask you in return is whether you are seeking to communicate with a particular Spirit (i.e. loved one who has passed or another individual) or if a particular Spirit is trying to communicate with you. If it's the first scenario, then that individual will either choose to make their presence known or not. - it's their prerogative. Just because you want to communicate with them, doesn't necessarily mean that they wish to communicate with you. In the second scenario, then Spirit can make their wish to communicate by any number of means that I could only begin to list here - from full materialization to just stopping clocks or fragrant smells of their perfume or cigar smoke. Should you feel that you are getting a "sign" then ask for confirmation that this is a sign. Often times you will get an emotional reaction, once you zero in on the right person."

Does Everyone Have Access to This Intuitive Realm?

"Yes! We have this naturally when we are born. As we age, in most cases the world and people around us don't support these abilities, so by age 5 or so it begins to diminish. For many this ability then stays dormant and manifests as a "gut feeling." Also, the percentages of Americans who have seen "loved ones who have passed" as ghosts, is very high, although few will talk about this beyond checking the box on a questionaire. With a development class, everyone can experience progress in their intuitive abilities."

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