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AMG11679's Profile, Yorktown, VA

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iLoveKickboxing - Newport News, VA

ILoveKickboxing was my answer!!

There are many things I can rave about this place. I love the challenge of the classes and the instruction as we go along. The nutrition information and support is amazing. Packaged and made as simple as possible. What you should eat, meal plan templates, and a whole list of yummy recipes! Some of the recipe instructions and pictures don't really match the actual recipe but that's not truly a problem. The gym is clean, staff is incredibly friendly. I started going as part of a 6-week challenge because I needed help getting out of my own way, getting out of my ongoing funk, and back on track with the healthy lifestyle I used to live. The camaraderie, accountability, and varying challenges with the classes are exactly what I needed to help get back to that healthy lifestyle. I highly recommend I Love Kick Boxing Newport News to anyone, at any level of fitness, who is looking for a positive and supportive place to get fit, get stronger, gain more confidence - and take out life stressors!

by AMG11679 in Newport News, VA on June 22, 2019

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ILoveKickboxing was my answer!!
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There are many things I can rave about this place. I love the challenge of the classes and the instruction as we go along. The nutrition information and support is amazing. Packaged and made as simple as possible. What you should eat, meal plan templates, and a whole list of yummy recipes! Some of the recipe instructions and pictures don't really match the actual recipe but that's not truly a problem. The gym is clean, staff is incredibly friendly. I started going as part of a 6-week challenge because I needed help getting out of my own way, getting out of my ongoing funk, and back on track with the healthy lifestyle I used to live. The camaraderie, accountability, and varying challenges with the classes are exactly what I needed to help get back to that healthy lifestyle. I highly recommend I Love Kick Boxing Newport News to anyone, at any level of fitness, who is looking for a positive and supportive place to get fit, get stronger, gain more confidence - and take out life stressors!
for iLoveKickboxing - Newport News, VA in Newport News, VA

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