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ASHLEY ORYAN's Profile, Petersburg, KY

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King's Creek Plantation


We were recently at a home and garden show and thought we were signing up for a great deal, turns out after being lied to numerous times by an "owner" that it was a timeshare. Our family of 6 as well as my husbands parents purchased 2-2 bedroom units for $298 each. We VERY SPECIFICALLY asked if this was a time share(due to my husbands family having experience with these) and were told no. Upon trying to book the units, we were lied to about the amenities in them (we were told 1 king and 2 queens but it really was 1 king and 2 twins), no wrap around porch like the pictures depicted but some units had a small deck, My husband asked reservations if he and his father could attend the presentation, NOPE, the husband and wife of the units had to attend the 90 minute presentation, leaving our 4 children...unattended? This is absolutely horrendous and now we are out a vacation, $600, completely frustrated, and our children disappointed that we won't be going.

by ASHLEY ORYAN in Williamsburg, VA on February 25, 2019

King's Creek Plantation


We were recently at a home and garden show and thought we were signing up for a great deal, turns out after being lied to numerous times by an "owner" that it was a timeshare. Our family of 6 as well as my husbands parents purchased 2-2 bedroom units for $298 each. We VERY SPECIFICALLY asked if this was a time share(due to my husbands family having experience with these) and were told no. Upon trying to book the units, we were lied to about the amenities in them (we were told 1 king and 2 queens but it really was 1 king and 2 twins), no wrap around porch like the pictures depicted but some units had a small deck, My husband asked reservations if he and his father could attend the presentation, NOPE, the husband and wife of the units had to attend the 90 minute presentation, leaving our 4 children...unattended? This is absolutely horrendous and now we are out a vacation, $600, completely frustrated, and our children disappointed that we won't be going.

by ASHLEY ORYAN in Williamsburg, VA on February 25, 2019

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We were recently at a home and garden show and thought we were signing up for a great deal, turns out after being lied to numerous times by an "owner" that it was a timeshare. Our family of 6 as well as my husbands parents purchased 2-2 bedroom units for $298 each. We VERY SPECIFICALLY asked if this was a time share(due to my husbands family having experience with these) and were told no. Upon trying to book the units, we were lied to about the amenities in them (we were told 1 king and 2 queens but it really was 1 king and 2 twins), no wrap around porch like the pictures depicted but some units had a small deck, My husband asked reservations if he and his father could attend the presentation, NOPE, the husband and wife of the units had to attend the 90 minute presentation, leaving our 4 children...unattended? This is absolutely horrendous and now we are out a vacation, $600, completely frustrated, and our children disappointed that we won't be going.
for King's Creek Plantation in Williamsburg, VA

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We were recently at a home and garden show and thought we were signing up for a great deal, turns out after being lied to numerous times by an "owner" that it was a timeshare. Our family of 6 as well as my husbands parents purchased 2-2 bedroom units for $298 each. We VERY SPECIFICALLY asked if this was a time share(due to my husbands family having experience with these) and were told no. Upon trying to book the units, we were lied to about the amenities in them (we were told 1 king and 2 queens but it really was 1 king and 2 twins), no wrap around porch like the pictures depicted but some units had a small deck, My husband asked reservations if he and his father could attend the presentation, NOPE, the husband and wife of the units had to attend the 90 minute presentation, leaving our 4 children...unattended? This is absolutely horrendous and now we are out a vacation, $600, completely frustrated, and our children disappointed that we won't be going.
for King's Creek Plantation in Williamsburg, VA

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