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Vonna's Profile, Harrisburg, PA

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Diehl's CrossRoads Church of The Brethren

Hello !!

Would like two plots for one for my husband and one for myself when we die , we are both Church of the Brethren , my husband grandparents are burial there , Adam and Mabel Beach and we would also like to be burial there for we were raised in the Cove area, My husband Greg Beach and I am Vonna ( Gordon) Beach we have been married for 44 years and just retired and was wondering how much burial plots are and do you still have room for us , My parents were Raymond and Freda Gordon from Fairview Church of the Brethren and Greg , my husband had been in the ministry over 20 years and they found a 4.3 spot on his duodenum and will be taking chemo and radiation and we need to find a resting place when God calls us home. Here is our e-mail or here is our telephone number 717-657-1984 and here is our address 5488 Grouse Drive , Harrisburg,PA 17111 Thank you so much Vonna Beach

by Vonna in Harrisburg, PA on January 25, 2018

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Hello !!
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Would like two plots for one for my husband and one for myself when we die , we are both Church of the Brethren , my husband grandparents are burial there , Adam and Mabel Beach and we would also like to be burial there for we were raised in the Cove area, My husband Greg Beach and I am Vonna ( Gordon) Beach we have been married for 44 years and just retired and was wondering how much burial plots are and do you still have room for us , My parents were Raymond and Freda Gordon from Fairview Church of the Brethren and Greg , my husband had been in the ministry over 20 years and they found a 4.3 spot on his duodenum and will be taking chemo and radiation and we need to find a resting place when God calls us home. Here is our e-mail or here is our telephone number 717-657-1984 and here is our address 5488 Grouse Drive , Harrisburg,PA 17111 Thank you so much Vonna Beach
for Diehl's CrossRoads Church of The Brethren in Martinsburg, PA

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