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CynthiLewis's Profile, Rosebud, TX

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Campbell's Mobile RV Repair

Honest and Reliable

Contacted Dave about having the roof of our pop up camper replaced, because that is what I was told absolutely needed to be done. Dave and his wife Pamela asked specific questions about the extent of the cracks in the outer shell, and if any other problems existed because of it. They then explained in detail the easy fix I could do myself to correct the problem that would save me thousands of dollars. Pamela then followed up with an email to recap all that we had discussed concerning prep and application; product with parts number; place to order it from, with phone #, and prompts to get to the parts department. I can assure anyone reading this you will never find more honest, reliable business owners than David and Pamela in the whole state of Texas. I will defiantly be using them for all future needs for my RV.

by CynthiLewis in Austin, TX on June 13, 2017

Campbell's Mobile RV Repair

Honest and Reliable

Contacted Dave about having the roof of our pop up camper replaced, because that is what I was told absolutely needed to be done. Dave and his wife Pamela asked specific questions about the extent of the cracks in the outer shell, and if any other problems existed because of it. They then explained in detail the easy fix I could do myself to correct the problem that would save me thousands of dollars. Pamela then followed up with an email to recap all that we had discussed concerning prep and application; product with parts number; place to order it from, with phone #, and prompts to get to the parts department. I can assure anyone reading this you will never find more honest, reliable business owners than David and Pamela in the whole state of Texas. I will defiantly be using them for all future needs for my RV.

by CynthiLewis in Rosebud, TX on June 13, 2017

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Honest and Reliable
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Contacted Dave about having the roof of our pop up camper replaced, because that is what I was told absolutely needed to be done. Dave and his wife Pamela asked specific questions about the extent of the cracks in the outer shell, and if any other problems existed because of it. They then explained in detail the easy fix I could do myself to correct the problem that would save me thousands of dollars. Pamela then followed up with an email to recap all that we had discussed concerning prep and application; product with parts number; place to order it from, with phone #, and prompts to get to the parts department. I can assure anyone reading this you will never find more honest, reliable business owners than David and Pamela in the whole state of Texas. I will defiantly be using them for all future needs for my RV.
for Campbell's Mobile RV Repair in Austin, TX

Honest and Reliable
Merchant Ratings

Contacted Dave about having the roof of our pop up camper replaced, because that is what I was told absolutely needed to be done. Dave and his wife Pamela asked specific questions about the extent of the cracks in the outer shell, and if any other problems existed because of it. They then explained in detail the easy fix I could do myself to correct the problem that would save me thousands of dollars. Pamela then followed up with an email to recap all that we had discussed concerning prep and application; product with parts number; place to order it from, with phone #, and prompts to get to the parts department. I can assure anyone reading this you will never find more honest, reliable business owners than David and Pamela in the whole state of Texas. I will defiantly be using them for all future needs for my RV.
for Campbell's Mobile RV Repair in Austin, TX

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