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Lourdes J.'s Profile, Miami, FL

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Stelvin Fitness Center

Level of professionalism

I am giving this center a five out of five stars based on the level of professionalism and the approach they have when it comes to fitness and health of their clients.

by Lourdes J. in Miami, FL on May 11, 2017

Dadvocacy Law Firm

You performed an excellent service

Well, it's been a few days and I'm still finding myself processing the event. I just wanted to offer my sincerest gratitude on your efforts in my defense. What a mess we started with but you swept the floor with all the parties on the other-side of the table, and I watched judge Bailey's expression as you made your argument and he was visibly impressed with your tactics as was I. A strange sense of loss overcame me as the emotions calmed.... I will have to part ways with someone who was totally committed to my cause yet had no stake other than doing your job to the best of your abilities. You performed an excellent service, and lifted the tremendous weight that is been dragging me down since 2013.
All the best wishes for your future endeavors.

by Lourdes J. in Miami, FL on May 11, 2017

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Recent Reviews

Level of professionalism
Merchant Ratings

I am giving this center a five out of five stars based on the level of professionalism and the approach they have when it comes to fitness and health of their clients.
for Stelvin Fitness Center in Miami, FL

You performed an excellent service
Merchant Ratings

Well, it's been a few days and I'm still finding myself processing the event. I just wanted to offer my sincerest gratitude on your efforts in my defense. What a mess we started with but you swept the floor with all the parties on the other-side of the table, and I watched judge Bailey's expression as you made your argument and he was visibly impressed with your tactics as was I. A strange sense of loss overcame me as the emotions calmed.... I will have to part ways with someone who was totally committed to my cause yet had no stake other than doing your job to the best of your abilities. You performed an excellent service, and lifted the tremendous weight that is been dragging me down since 2013. All the best wishes for your future endeavors.
for Dadvocacy Law Firm in Miami, FL

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