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Edwards's Profile, Syracuse, NY

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Giordano Michael A Dr

Service, Class and Professionalism

I have suffered from lower back pain for years, My mother Mrs Edwards, refered me to Dr. Giordano. Upon first visiting his office I was impressed with the initial greeting I received from his staff. The office was clean, calming and very comfortable. Having worked in the service sector for many years, I have grown very critical of the level and quality of service I recieve. I was amazed at the attention and assistance given to each patient that entered the office, I felt like a VIP. What was most impressive was the treatment I recieved prior to being seen by the Doctor. Upon meeting Dr. Giordano and speaking with him about my back issues and a brief history on the level and duration of pain I was in, I felt as though I was speaking with a long time family friend. His treatments were amazingly effective . He and his staff were very accommodating to my emergency needs and last minute requests. I'm returning to him for assistance in supporting a healthier and happier Me. Thanks Dr. G

by Christopher J. Edwards in Syracuse, NY on November 10, 2009

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Service, Class and Professionalism
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I have suffered from lower back pain for years, My mother Mrs Edwards, refered me to Dr. Giordano. Upon first visiting his office I was impressed with the initial greeting I received from his staff. The office was clean, calming and very comfortable. Having worked in the service sector for many years, I have grown very critical of the level and quality of service I recieve. I was amazed at the attention and assistance given to each patient that entered the office, I felt like a VIP. What was most impressive was the treatment I recieved prior to being seen by the Doctor. Upon meeting Dr. Giordano and speaking with him about my back issues and a brief history on the level and duration of pain I was in, I felt as though I was speaking with a long time family friend. His treatments were amazingly effective . He and his staff were very accommodating to my emergency needs and last minute requests. I'm returning to him for assistance in supporting a healthier and happier Me. Thanks Dr. G
for Giordano Michael A Dr in Fayetteville, NY

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