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Fette Electronics

Tells customers they are lying if they break youit

Took a laptop into this company that was not charging, other than the charging issue the laptop worked great before taking it in... They replaced the port and then couldn't get it to boot past the bios, had the computer for near a month before they told me this! I called on numerous occasions and they told me the part was giving him issues no mention that it was a completely unrelated problem that was not there before! When I spoke with them about what the next step was to get this issue resolved they basically told me they wouldn't do anything about it because their employee has been working on computer since he was 12 and never had an issue, um who works on computers that long with NO issues, but basically I must not be telling the truth because of that. I have sent a complaint to the BBB to try and get this resolved! Consumer be aware they do not own up to damaging your items!!!

by Jenifer Dean on June 17, 2016

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Tells customers they are lying if they break youit
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Took a laptop into this company that was not charging, other than the charging issue the laptop worked great before taking it in... They replaced the port and then couldn't get it to boot past the bios, had the computer for near a month before they told me this! I called on numerous occasions and they told me the part was giving him issues no mention that it was a completely unrelated problem that was not there before! When I spoke with them about what the next step was to get this issue resolved they basically told me they wouldn't do anything about it because their employee has been working on computer since he was 12 and never had an issue, um who works on computers that long with NO issues, but basically I must not be telling the truth because of that. I have sent a complaint to the BBB to try and get this resolved! Consumer be aware they do not own up to damaging your items!!!
for Fette Electronics in Faribault, MN

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