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Mafchel's Profile, Miami, FL

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Pool Max


This store is very clean and organized. I enjoyed looking at all the products they have and talking to the employees and especially a very knowledgeable guy name Michael. I think he is the manager. He explained to me all I needed to know about keeping my pool clean and also how he could fix the pump in my pool which was not working right. He also told me that if I needed a weekly pool cleaner they also offered that service. Honestly I am tired of cleaning and dealing with my pool so I signed up for weekly pool service. The price is right and I will not have no more headaches with the pool maintenance. My kids and family are going to love having a clean pool every week and they will also repair the pump. So to make this short, I love this store and the good service, nice friendly helpful sales guys and most that I don't have to clean my pool anymore myself.

by Mafchel in Miami, FL on March 06, 2016

Pool Max

Great Service!

This store is very clean and organized. I enjoyed looking at all the products they have and taking to the employees and especially a very knowledgeable guy name Michael. I think he is the manager. He explained to me all I needed to know about keeping my pool clean and also how he could fix the pump in my pool which was not working right. He also told me that if I needed a weekly pool cleaner they also offered that service. Honestly I am tired of cleaning and dealing with my pool so I signed up for weekly pool service. The price is right and I will not have no more headaches with the pool maintenance. My kids and family are going to love having a clean pool every week and they will also repair the pump. So to make this short, I love this store and the good service, nice friendly helpful sales guys and most that I don't have to clean my pool anymore myself.

by Mafchel in Miami, FL on March 06, 2016

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This store is very clean and organized. I enjoyed looking at all the products they have and talking to the employees and especially a very knowledgeable guy name Michael. I think he is the manager. He explained to me all I needed to know about keeping my pool clean and also how he could fix the pump in my pool which was not working right. He also told me that if I needed a weekly pool cleaner they also offered that service. Honestly I am tired of cleaning and dealing with my pool so I signed up for weekly pool service. The price is right and I will not have no more headaches with the pool maintenance. My kids and family are going to love having a clean pool every week and they will also repair the pump. So to make this short, I love this store and the good service, nice friendly helpful sales guys and most that I don't have to clean my pool anymore myself.
for Pool Max in Miami, FL

Great Service!
Merchant Ratings

This store is very clean and organized. I enjoyed looking at all the products they have and taking to the employees and especially a very knowledgeable guy name Michael. I think he is the manager. He explained to me all I needed to know about keeping my pool clean and also how he could fix the pump in my pool which was not working right. He also told me that if I needed a weekly pool cleaner they also offered that service. Honestly I am tired of cleaning and dealing with my pool so I signed up for weekly pool service. The price is right and I will not have no more headaches with the pool maintenance. My kids and family are going to love having a clean pool every week and they will also repair the pump. So to make this short, I love this store and the good service, nice friendly helpful sales guys and most that I don't have to clean my pool anymore myself.
for Pool Max in Miami, FL

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