Their bikes are made of high quality materials. I love that they put much value to customer service and are fast to deliver great results.
I own a retail building in Los Gatos. Hank is the best. My roof has been leaking for the last four years. I've had several people in to "fix" the leaks and many thousands of dollars later, I got ahold of Hank. He completely re-coated the existing roof and it was so much less expensive than the other bids I got from people who promised to do the exact same work. He guarantees the job for years,. The best part of this is that he means it. He'll come out and take care of anything. He's an honest and hardworking guy with a great personality and an even greater work ethic. He is there when he says he will be. I've paid for so much shoddy work from people who talk a great story but don't deliver. Hank is the real deal.
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