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West Hills Spiritual Advisor And Tarot Card Reader


Our first visit was interesting and she told me I had "issues" she needed to help me with, and that it would cost $275 to see her twice weekly for 3 weeks. Ok, I gave in and paid her the money. She then proceeded to cancel the next several appointments. She was very difficult to reach, would not answer texts or calls. Finally we made an appointment after I told her I was becoming concerned about this. At this appointment, she told me she had made a mistake and that my "issue" was worse than she thought, and that it would now cost me another $200 to fix it. Rather than meet with me, she would meditate for me while I slept....mmm hmm. So I told her I would think about it. I decided not to pursue her "services" and asked to have my money refunded. I actually only asked for half of the $275 to be refunded which was MORE than generous since she had done nothing for me and the first visit was covered by the amazon certificate. It's been a month and she has not responded to me.

by B Lee in West Hills, CA on October 12, 2015

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Our first visit was interesting and she told me I had "issues" she needed to help me with, and that it would cost $275 to see her twice weekly for 3 weeks. Ok, I gave in and paid her the money. She then proceeded to cancel the next several appointments. She was very difficult to reach, would not answer texts or calls. Finally we made an appointment after I told her I was becoming concerned about this. At this appointment, she told me she had made a mistake and that my "issue" was worse than she thought, and that it would now cost me another $200 to fix it. Rather than meet with me, she would meditate for me while I slept....mmm hmm. So I told her I would think about it. I decided not to pursue her "services" and asked to have my money refunded. I actually only asked for half of the $275 to be refunded which was MORE than generous since she had done nothing for me and the first visit was covered by the amazon certificate. It's been a month and she has not responded to me.
for West Hills Spiritual Advisor And Tarot Card Reader in West Hills, CA

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