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Ginolespoir's Profile, Tampa, FL

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All Parts and Engines Inc

stolen funds

Dear Mr Perez You stole funds from me that i transfered to you regarding some cummins parts and dont think that i dont have my documents with me and i will try to get back my money from you.
i have contacted Fbi and i have also send friends to locate your business, madame walker from tampa police department also knows the case now the us ambassy also knows it i will wait and see want happens now.
i am Gino Lespoire from Aquila boat charter from Seychelles island.

by Ginolespoir in Tampa, FL on January 09, 2015

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stolen funds
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Dear Mr Perez You stole funds from me that i transfered to you regarding some cummins parts and dont think that i dont have my documents with me and i will try to get back my money from you. i have contacted Fbi and i have also send friends to locate your business, madame walker from tampa police department also knows the case now the us ambassy also knows it i will wait and see want happens now. i am Gino Lespoire from Aquila boat charter from Seychelles island.
for All Parts and Engines Inc in Tampa, FL

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