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pinkshopper's Profile, Bandon, OR

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Corner Drug

Shoppers Not Welcome Here

Yesterday, 11/15/14, my friend and I, who had drive from Coos Bay, stopped in at this store. Since I had been in there once before, I thought I could pick up some Christmas gifts, based on the nice things I had seen on a previous visit. It was 3:55 pm. A store employee came over and informed us that they were closing in 5 minutes! (In other words, "here's your hat, what's your hurry?") I spotted some nice hats, so picked one out and quickly paid for it. As I looked for my friend, I saw a whole aisle that seemed to have all kinds of hats and accessories and I was dying to look at them. Instead, the store employee locked the front door and stood there looking at us, waiting for us to leave, so we did.

by pinkshopper in Gold Beach, OR on November 16, 2014

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Shoppers Not Welcome Here
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Yesterday, 11/15/14, my friend and I, who had drive from Coos Bay, stopped in at this store. Since I had been in there once before, I thought I could pick up some Christmas gifts, based on the nice things I had seen on a previous visit. It was 3:55 pm. A store employee came over and informed us that they were closing in 5 minutes! (In other words, "here's your hat, what's your hurry?") I spotted some nice hats, so picked one out and quickly paid for it. As I looked for my friend, I saw a whole aisle that seemed to have all kinds of hats and accessories and I was dying to look at them. Instead, the store employee locked the front door and stood there looking at us, waiting for us to leave, so we did.
for Corner Drug in Gold Beach, OR

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