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J.C. Tefft Fuel, Inc.

Heather @ Tefft Fuel

First, thank you to all of our customers who have such nice things to say about us. I read these posted reviews and I know who posted 90% of these negative reviews and could explain each situation and name them but think its rediculous. We do get busy and you may have to leave a message but we do call right back. And if we drove to everyones house to not deliver oil we would be out of business, we do show up, but if there is no check or your credit card is no good your right, we dont deliver, not because we're MEAN but because it is COD. And there are certain delivery days in certain areas, so if we go there and there is no payment, yes you do have to wait for the next day we're in your area. Thank you

by HeatherHannuksela on November 06, 2014

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Heather @ Tefft Fuel
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First, thank you to all of our customers who have such nice things to say about us. I read these posted reviews and I know who posted 90% of these negative reviews and could explain each situation and name them but think its rediculous. We do get busy and you may have to leave a message but we do call right back. And if we drove to everyones house to not deliver oil we would be out of business, we do show up, but if there is no check or your credit card is no good your right, we dont deliver, not because we're MEAN but because it is COD. And there are certain delivery days in certain areas, so if we go there and there is no payment, yes you do have to wait for the next day we're in your area. Thank you
for J.C. Tefft Fuel, Inc. in Hope Valley, RI

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