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NN65119's Profile, Hollywood, FL

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Over priced grease mess

we just came from LInos Pizza which I guess just open. Being local to the young circle area i was excited to see a new pizza place go in. Im from new york. We live for good pizza! We went in and ordered a pepperoni pizza and a margherita pizza. the waitress asked us if we wanted some foccacia bread while we waited. We said yes because we were starving after a hard week at work. We got the foccacia bread, it was ok but i just needed something in my stomach at that point. the pizza then came out and i was dissatisfied with the amount of grease that was souped up on the top of it. The pepperoni tasted exactly like the pepperoni you get at little caesars for the 5$ special. the cheese was tasteless and was def not fresh mozzarella. The dough was salty and bland. We calmly ate our dinner and politely asked for a box to go. The place charged us $7 for the foccacia that was requested to us! What place charges for bread!??!! The total came to 40 dollars for two greasy very small pizzas, 2 snapple ice teas(3$ a piece) and the $7 bread that I figured was complementary. Sorry Linos .ill stick with Mauros for now! . they need to seriously buy better ingredients if they want to last long. You can't charge people for bread with out telling them first. Ill try back again in a few months to see if anything has changed.

by NN65119 in Hollywood, FL on July 21, 2014

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Over priced grease mess
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we just came from LInos Pizza which I guess just open. Being local to the young circle area i was excited to see a new pizza place go in. Im from new york. We live for good pizza! We went in and ordered a pepperoni pizza and a margherita pizza. the waitress asked us if we wanted some foccacia bread while we waited. We said yes because we were starving after a hard week at work. We got the foccacia bread, it was ok but i just needed something in my stomach at that point. the pizza then came out and i was dissatisfied with the amount of grease that was souped up on the top of it. The pepperoni tasted exactly like the pepperoni you get at little caesars for the 5$ special. the cheese was tasteless and was def not fresh mozzarella. The dough was salty and bland. We calmly ate our dinner and politely asked for a box to go. The place charged us $7 for the foccacia that was requested to us! What place charges for bread!??!! The total came to 40 dollars for two greasy very small pizzas, 2 snapple ice teas(3$ a piece) and the $7 bread that I figured was complementary. Sorry Linos .ill stick with Mauros for now! . they need to seriously buy better ingredients if they want to last long. You can't charge people for bread with out telling them first. Ill try back again in a few months to see if anything has changed.
for Lino's in Hollywood, FL

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