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Financial Recovery USA Group Inc

Worth Every Penny

After reviewing the loan modification package prepared for me by Financial Recovery USA, I was completely wrong by being skeptical and thinking I could prepare a solid package myself. There is no way I could have prepared something even close to it. I was extremely impressed with the detailed,
thorough package that was provided to me. What I like most about my loan modification package, is the detailed information to the bank of how much money they would save by helping me out.
Financial Recovery USA is a true christian-based company. Everybody I came in contact with was very genuine and consistently showed they were people of faith. I am currently in my "trial period" with the bank. I received my loan modification approval in three weeks. My loan went from a 7 year fix interest only ARM 6.2%, to a long term loan with half the
interest rate. The cost of the loan Modification package was truly worth every penny, they helped get that 1,000 pound weight off my back. Praise God! Rick C.

by Anonymous in Westlake Village, CA on March 06, 2014

Financial Recovery USA Group Inc

Worth Every Penny

After reviewing the loan modification package prepared for me by Financial Recovery USA, I was completely wrong by being skeptical and thinking I could prepare a solid package myself. There is no way I could have prepared something even close to it. I was extremely impressed with the detailed,
thorough package that was provided to me. What I like most about my loan modification package, is the detailed information to the bank of how much money they would save by helping me out.
Financial Recovery USA is a true christian-based company. Everybody I came in contact with was very genuine and consistently showed they were people of faith. I am currently in my "trial period" with the bank. I received my loan modification approval in three weeks. My loan went from a 7 year fix interest only ARM 6.2%, to a long term loan with half the
interest rate. The cost of the loan Modification package was truly worth every penny, they helped get that 1,000 pound weight off my back. Praise God! Rick C.

by Anonymous in Westlake Village, CA on March 06, 2014

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Worth Every Penny
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After reviewing the loan modification package prepared for me by Financial Recovery USA, I was completely wrong by being skeptical and thinking I could prepare a solid package myself. There is no way I could have prepared something even close to it. I was extremely impressed with the detailed, thorough package that was provided to me. What I like most about my loan modification package, is the detailed information to the bank of how much money they would save by helping me out. Financial Recovery USA is a true christian-based company. Everybody I came in contact with was very genuine and consistently showed they were people of faith. I am currently in my "trial period" with the bank. I received my loan modification approval in three weeks. My loan went from a 7 year fix interest only ARM 6.2%, to a long term loan with half the interest rate. The cost of the loan Modification package was truly worth every penny, they helped get that 1,000 pound weight off my back. Praise God! Rick C.
for Financial Recovery USA Group Inc in Westlake Village, CA

Worth Every Penny
Merchant Ratings

After reviewing the loan modification package prepared for me by Financial Recovery USA, I was completely wrong by being skeptical and thinking I could prepare a solid package myself. There is no way I could have prepared something even close to it. I was extremely impressed with the detailed, thorough package that was provided to me. What I like most about my loan modification package, is the detailed information to the bank of how much money they would save by helping me out. Financial Recovery USA is a true christian-based company. Everybody I came in contact with was very genuine and consistently showed they were people of faith. I am currently in my "trial period" with the bank. I received my loan modification approval in three weeks. My loan went from a 7 year fix interest only ARM 6.2%, to a long term loan with half the interest rate. The cost of the loan Modification package was truly worth every penny, they helped get that 1,000 pound weight off my back. Praise God! Rick C.
for Financial Recovery USA Group Inc in Westlake Village, CA

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