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simplyjohn's Profile, Minneapolis, MN

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AMSP Airport Car & Taxi Service

AMSP Car And Limo Service Minneapolis , Best Car Service in Minneapolis Area

I was surprised how much fun this was.Earlier my friend had rented it and raved about how much fun they had and I have to agree.

We were three in from out of town and were going to do a pub crawl and visit a few old hangouts and didn't want the hassle of multiple cars and designated drivers.

The car was totally convenient, really nice on the inside and a total blast. Our driver was great and went out of his way to make the event great.

by simplyjohn in Minneapolis, MN on February 07, 2014

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AMSP Car And Limo Service Minneapolis , Best Car Service in Minneapolis Area
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I was surprised how much fun this was.Earlier my friend had rented it and raved about how much fun they had and I have to agree. We were three in from out of town and were going to do a pub crawl and visit a few old hangouts and didn't want the hassle of multiple cars and designated drivers. The car was totally convenient, really nice on the inside and a total blast. Our driver was great and went out of his way to make the event great.
for AMSP Airport Car & Taxi Service in Minneapolis, MN

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