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Bob4467's Profile, Albuquerque, NM

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Sandia Computers

5 star reviews are not to be trusted.

Really, don't trust them. I know the business and it is a complete scam. I would trust the foreigner on the phone than these people. First thing, they rarely give back refunds. Often just giving you "in store credit". Their employees are constantly pushed with stress and under pay with only a 30 min lunch break for 8+ hours of work. They charge a standard $75 an hour even when it only took 20 minutes. Parts are often old taken from "recycled" computers that he got for "Free". Last thing, when you buy a laptop; they will take out parts to sell to other customers even when you are the actual owner of that part because you bought the laptop as a whole; not just pieces.

by Bob4467 in Albuquerque, NM on November 03, 2013

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5 star reviews are not to be trusted.
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Really, don't trust them. I know the business and it is a complete scam. I would trust the foreigner on the phone than these people. First thing, they rarely give back refunds. Often just giving you "in store credit". Their employees are constantly pushed with stress and under pay with only a 30 min lunch break for 8+ hours of work. They charge a standard $75 an hour even when it only took 20 minutes. Parts are often old taken from "recycled" computers that he got for "Free". Last thing, when you buy a laptop; they will take out parts to sell to other customers even when you are the actual owner of that part because you bought the laptop as a whole; not just pieces.
for Sandia Computers in Albuquerque, NM

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