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Brittany143's Profile, Cicero, NY

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Womens Wellness Place

Do Not Choose WWP

I would never recommend this place to anyone. The doctors could not care less about you if they tried, they never remembered who I was throughout my pregnancy- just another face! Every time I went in for an appointment I had to remind them of specific things. To top things off, once I brought our son back to the practice to get circumcised, a nurse brought him back to me and as she handed him to me she had the audacity to say said "Wow, he's a screamer." I was speechless. I wish I wasn't so taken back by this so I could have responded,\n"He did just have a circumcision, so thank you for making this process 100x harder." Oh, also- don't plan on having them actually deliver your baby! Everytime I went in they would emphasize to call the specific # if I was in labor and they would be there....... End of story: an on call doctor delivered my son and when I asked about my "doctor" I was told she was "sleeping for the night" .... I wish I was kidding.

by Brittany143 in Syracuse, NY on October 04, 2013

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Do Not Choose WWP
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I would never recommend this place to anyone. The doctors could not care less about you if they tried, they never remembered who I was throughout my pregnancy- just another face! Every time I went in for an appointment I had to remind them of specific things. To top things off, once I brought our son back to the practice to get circumcised, a nurse brought him back to me and as she handed him to me she had the audacity to say said "Wow, he's a screamer." I was speechless. I wish I wasn't so taken back by this so I could have responded,\n"He did just have a circumcision, so thank you for making this process 100x harder." Oh, also- don't plan on having them actually deliver your baby! Everytime I went in they would emphasize to call the specific # if I was in labor and they would be there....... End of story: an on call doctor delivered my son and when I asked about my "doctor" I was told she was "sleeping for the night" .... I wish I was kidding.
for Womens Wellness Place in Syracuse, NY

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