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MarkFinney's Profile, Carrollton, TX

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Qcd of America

My QCD experience was awesome!

I wanted to take a moment and share my experience with QCD. I just recently had to have some dental work and for the first time I set out to use this plan that my company provides its employees. I did not know a lot about it but a fellow co-worker suggest I call Sedrick in the DFW QCD office. I can not say enough how refreshing it was to have someone on the other line so eager to help me through this process. He walked me through getting my expected costs, then he broke them down for me and explained exactly what the dentist would charge, what QCD would reimburse me, and even helped the dentist put in the right codes so I would be reimbursed my full amount. Sedrick made this experience for me an easy one, but more importantly I knew I had someone in my corner looking out for me. I had a lot of dental work and did not come out of pocket much at all after what QCD reimbursed me for. All I can say is this was an awesome experience for me. I am grateful to have QCD and have already t

by MarkFinney in Carrollton, TX on September 21, 2013

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My QCD experience was awesome!
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I wanted to take a moment and share my experience with QCD. I just recently had to have some dental work and for the first time I set out to use this plan that my company provides its employees. I did not know a lot about it but a fellow co-worker suggest I call Sedrick in the DFW QCD office. I can not say enough how refreshing it was to have someone on the other line so eager to help me through this process. He walked me through getting my expected costs, then he broke them down for me and explained exactly what the dentist would charge, what QCD would reimburse me, and even helped the dentist put in the right codes so I would be reimbursed my full amount. Sedrick made this experience for me an easy one, but more importantly I knew I had someone in my corner looking out for me. I had a lot of dental work and did not come out of pocket much at all after what QCD reimbursed me for. All I can say is this was an awesome experience for me. I am grateful to have QCD and have already t
for Qcd of America in Dallas, TX

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