I answered a Craigslist ad for free fill. Darren called me, explained his situation, what he had and when he planned to do it. We are filling a swimming pool hole in our back yard that my spouse called "the pit of despair". My calculations were that we needed about 30 yards of dirt to fill the hole.This would need to be delivered to a back yard where the dump truck will not fit. Our only option would be for him to put the loads on our driveway and to fill the hole with the skidsteer at $80/hour with a $75 equipment charge. We agreed (we were quoted up to $3000 to have this darn hole filled) readily. Since he took less than 2 hours, he reduced the bill to $200.00. We tipped him another $40 in cash.Darren operated the equipment like he was part of it. Working without a break, he finished this job ahead of schedule and very professionally done.I highly recommend Darren's Skid Steer Service!
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