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Summa St. Thomas Hospital

Akron summa mental ward

They make you worse then you were before you went in if you didn't kill yourself before you went in you defiantly will when you get out.\nMost of the reason there in thiere is because they have a sti and communicable dissese and they rape the mentally ill in thier sleep in there drugged out state then they stick a needle in your arm and wiggle it around to give you something in the er before you go in so you'll start to ictch and they can so more call you dillusional and crazy then they have some mean people in there as nurses who would rather see you die then help you they don't have church prayer services they have three classes aa ,art,creative counseling, and that's it you'd be better off in a jail then in here you have way more freedome in a jail then in summa Akron what they do to you and how they treat you is inhuman and they frankly don't care who you are or where you come from they want your money and want to run your health insurance to the max

by Johndeere25 in Akron, OH on September 14, 2013

Summa St. Thomas Hospital

Akron summa phych ward

They ask you to remember a word or name then talk to you for a couple of min then they ask you if you remember the word or name then they say your dillusional whether you answers the question right or wrong just to keep you there longer then they say write me a sentience for whatever reason then they put you in another room with another person of the same gender and you never get any respect cause you are crazy dilutional and scittsafrenic as soon as you enter the door they don't let you use any electronics any cellphones iPods you can't have your own sheets pillows or worldly privileges like caffeine sleeping pills or even pain killers then they make you worse by putting you on medications you don't need to be then they give you your meds with water then they put more meds in the water and don't tell you then they send you home all drugged up so you can't do anything like get a job or even go to work

by Johndeere25 in Akron, OH on September 14, 2013

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Akron summa mental ward
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They make you worse then you were before you went in if you didn't kill yourself before you went in you defiantly will when you get out.\nMost of the reason there in thiere is because they have a sti and communicable dissese and they rape the mentally ill in thier sleep in there drugged out state then they stick a needle in your arm and wiggle it around to give you something in the er before you go in so you'll start to ictch and they can so more call you dillusional and crazy then they have some mean people in there as nurses who would rather see you die then help you they don't have church prayer services they have three classes aa ,art,creative counseling, and that's it you'd be better off in a jail then in here you have way more freedome in a jail then in summa Akron what they do to you and how they treat you is inhuman and they frankly don't care who you are or where you come from they want your money and want to run your health insurance to the max
for Summa St. Thomas Hospital in Akron, OH

Akron summa phych ward
Merchant Ratings

They ask you to remember a word or name then talk to you for a couple of min then they ask you if you remember the word or name then they say your dillusional whether you answers the question right or wrong just to keep you there longer then they say write me a sentience for whatever reason then they put you in another room with another person of the same gender and you never get any respect cause you are crazy dilutional and scittsafrenic as soon as you enter the door they don't let you use any electronics any cellphones iPods you can't have your own sheets pillows or worldly privileges like caffeine sleeping pills or even pain killers then they make you worse by putting you on medications you don't need to be then they give you your meds with water then they put more meds in the water and don't tell you then they send you home all drugged up so you can't do anything like get a job or even go to work
for Summa St. Thomas Hospital in Akron, OH

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