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charactermatters's Profile, Cedar Rapids, IA

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Preferred Property Management

Avoid at all cost

These people purchased the property I was living in and took over the lease. Take the advice of so many who have already posted and avoid these people at all costs. They will nickel and dime you on charges after move out because they know most people won't go through the trouble to go to small claims court to fight over a few hundred dollars. They even had the audacity to send me additional charges after 30 days of moving out because the initial charge was "just an estimate" and they needed to mow the lawn (even though it was cut the day before I moved out). Rather than conduct business with integrity, they would rather take money from people who work hard to provide for their children so they can make an extra buck or two. If you have no other option, don't count on getting your deposit back and make sure you get EVERYTHING in writing.

by charactermatters in Cedar Rapids, IA on September 06, 2013

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Avoid at all cost
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These people purchased the property I was living in and took over the lease. Take the advice of so many who have already posted and avoid these people at all costs. They will nickel and dime you on charges after move out because they know most people won't go through the trouble to go to small claims court to fight over a few hundred dollars. They even had the audacity to send me additional charges after 30 days of moving out because the initial charge was "just an estimate" and they needed to mow the lawn (even though it was cut the day before I moved out). Rather than conduct business with integrity, they would rather take money from people who work hard to provide for their children so they can make an extra buck or two. If you have no other option, don't count on getting your deposit back and make sure you get EVERYTHING in writing.
for Preferred Property Management in Cedar Rapids, IA

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