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Arbonne Independent Consultant, Robyn D. Brady, RN

Arbonne Firming body cream mistake?

Any arbonne consultants I need help! I want to continue using arbonne but this is stopping me!!! I am 17 yrs. I used the arbonne firming body cream made for stretch marks on my lips and face. I clearly didn't need it. The effects made skin very thick and gave me a plumpy fatty look in my skin tissue on my face. I only used it for 3 wks. It has vitamin C and peptide and other anti aging extracts. I stopped using it for awhile. I'm afraid that the plump collagen skin won't go away. My plump tissue on my face and lips looks concerning. I don't believe that any creams regardless of ingredients should be permanent once stop of use... I need help. I need answers. Will the plumpness collagen fade away from the effects of the cream? What should I do to take care of it?

by Dancerr910 in Southampton, PA on August 22, 2013

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Arbonne Firming body cream mistake?
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Any arbonne consultants I need help! I want to continue using arbonne but this is stopping me!!! I am 17 yrs. I used the arbonne firming body cream made for stretch marks on my lips and face. I clearly didn't need it. The effects made skin very thick and gave me a plumpy fatty look in my skin tissue on my face. I only used it for 3 wks. It has vitamin C and peptide and other anti aging extracts. I stopped using it for awhile. I'm afraid that the plump collagen skin won't go away. My plump tissue on my face and lips looks concerning. I don't believe that any creams regardless of ingredients should be permanent once stop of use... I need help. I need answers. Will the plumpness collagen fade away from the effects of the cream? What should I do to take care of it?
for Arbonne Independent Consultant, Robyn D. Brady, RN in Oklahoma City, OK

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