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StacyL's Profile, Mcconnelsville, OH

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Q&A Newbie (0 pts.)


Kelly Lang Contractors

If you don't mind being jerked around!!!!

I called this place several times. He said he would be at my house to look at what needed to be done. For whatever reason he kept putting me off. The final straw was that I took a day off work to make sure I would be home and he drives right through my town without calling me. I called this guy AGAIN and he tells me he has just pulled into his driveway and pretty much said too bad. In the mean time I turned down two other contractors while I was waiting on this joke to show up. Save yourself the aggravation and skip over this guys number.

by StacyL in Mcconnelsville, OH on July 28, 2013

Kelly Lang Contractors

If you don't mind being jerked around!!!!

I called this place several times. He said he would be at my house to look at what needed to be done. For whatever reason he kept putting me off. The final straw was that I took a day off work to make sure I would be home and he drives right through my town without calling me. I called this guy AGAIN and he tells me he has just pulled into his driveway and pretty much said too bad. In the mean time I turned down two other contractors while I was waiting on this joke to show up. Save yourself the aggravation and skip over this guys number.

by StacyL in Waterford, OH on July 28, 2013

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If you don't mind being jerked around!!!!
Merchant Ratings

I called this place several times. He said he would be at my house to look at what needed to be done. For whatever reason he kept putting me off. The final straw was that I took a day off work to make sure I would be home and he drives right through my town without calling me. I called this guy AGAIN and he tells me he has just pulled into his driveway and pretty much said too bad. In the mean time I turned down two other contractors while I was waiting on this joke to show up. Save yourself the aggravation and skip over this guys number.
for Kelly Lang Contractors in Waterford, OH

If you don't mind being jerked around!!!!
Merchant Ratings

I called this place several times. He said he would be at my house to look at what needed to be done. For whatever reason he kept putting me off. The final straw was that I took a day off work to make sure I would be home and he drives right through my town without calling me. I called this guy AGAIN and he tells me he has just pulled into his driveway and pretty much said too bad. In the mean time I turned down two other contractors while I was waiting on this joke to show up. Save yourself the aggravation and skip over this guys number.
for Kelly Lang Contractors in Waterford, OH

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