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cat8's Profile, Louisville, CO

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Toledo Glass Lafayette Inc.

LOOK ELSEWHERE!!!! Do not use Toledo Glass Co.!!

We hired Toledo Glass to remove a shower enclosure in our master bathroom and install a new one. What we were left with was AWFUL!!! The original shower enclosure was removed, but the area was not cleaned or prepped for the new was just put into place (barely) with crooked framing and glops of silicone at the base of the frame. To make matters worse, the workers did not protect the new frame/glass and we ended up with a new shower enclosure that had scratches in it. It does not end there... We were also left with stains in our carpet from the workers' inability to put tarps/blankets down before they started working and stains in our (brand new) bathtub from where they placed tools and their boots (yes they stood in my new bath without any covering over the tub). Shards/shavings of metal were also left in our carpet since they decided not to clean-up after their "work" was "completed." When we contacted the company about our experience, they were of no help at all.

by cat8 in Louisville, CO on July 08, 2013

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LOOK ELSEWHERE!!!! Do not use Toledo Glass Co.!!
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We hired Toledo Glass to remove a shower enclosure in our master bathroom and install a new one. What we were left with was AWFUL!!! The original shower enclosure was removed, but the area was not cleaned or prepped for the new was just put into place (barely) with crooked framing and glops of silicone at the base of the frame. To make matters worse, the workers did not protect the new frame/glass and we ended up with a new shower enclosure that had scratches in it. It does not end there... We were also left with stains in our carpet from the workers' inability to put tarps/blankets down before they started working and stains in our (brand new) bathtub from where they placed tools and their boots (yes they stood in my new bath without any covering over the tub). Shards/shavings of metal were also left in our carpet since they decided not to clean-up after their "work" was "completed." When we contacted the company about our experience, they were of no help at all.
for Toledo Glass Lafayette Inc. in Lafayette, CO

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