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annakowalk's Profile, Oklahoma City, OK

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Deaconess Pregnancy & Adoption Services


We had only heard wonderful things about Deaconess and were expecting something TOTALLY different than what we got. They were heartless, insensitive and seemed to not care about the adoptive parents in the least. To them this is a business, plain and simple. At a time when couples come to them with their hearts broken due to infertility and dashed dreams they are not supportive. At a time when couples seek them out due to desperation for a child they offer nothing more than false hope. The fact that they call themselves a "Christian non-profit" agency is deplorable. I saw little signs of either one of those things considering they are one of the most expensive options we have found as well as the place that has so far been the least compassionate or caring. If anything they caused more pain and stress for us and we never got to bring home a baby. It's sad that people who claim to be Christians will take advantage of people when they are at their weakest.

by annakowalk in Oklahoma City, OK on June 21, 2013

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We had only heard wonderful things about Deaconess and were expecting something TOTALLY different than what we got. They were heartless, insensitive and seemed to not care about the adoptive parents in the least. To them this is a business, plain and simple. At a time when couples come to them with their hearts broken due to infertility and dashed dreams they are not supportive. At a time when couples seek them out due to desperation for a child they offer nothing more than false hope. The fact that they call themselves a "Christian non-profit" agency is deplorable. I saw little signs of either one of those things considering they are one of the most expensive options we have found as well as the place that has so far been the least compassionate or caring. If anything they caused more pain and stress for us and we never got to bring home a baby. It's sad that people who claim to be Christians will take advantage of people when they are at their weakest.
for Deaconess Pregnancy & Adoption Services in Oklahoma City, OK

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